How's it going?  Hoje falamos sobre fazer cópias da chave e se trancar pra fora de casa em inglês!

a locksmith

How's it going? This is the new episode of the Inglês Online podcast.

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So let's say you just moved into a new house and you would like a couple of people in your life to have the keys to your house. Yeah, they'll be able to come and go as they wish. Let's say it's your brother and your best pal John. He's like a brother to you, so basically you want your brothers - your bros - to have a copy of your house keys.

So what do you do? You go to a locksmith to have extra keys made for your bros. Well, not just for them. You know it's prudent to leave an extra key to the front door with your next-door neighbour, so you're going to the key shop to have three sets of keys made: one for your brother, one for John, and the third set for the neighbour.

So that's the first term I wanted to talk about today - have keys made. Or, if you're in the UK, the more common "have keys cut". For example - I've lost my house key so I'll pop by the locksmith's tomorrow and have a new one cut. I just read somewhere on Twitter that someone just had a key cut at their local shop here in the UK, and they paid £2.69 for a key to be cut. He was outraged. By the way, "p" is short for pence.

If you went to your local locksmith or key-cutting shop, how much would you pay to have a key cut? I remember once when I lived in São Paulo I got home and found out I had been locked out of my house. That means I didn't have my keys on me. When I left home earlier that day, my cleaning lady was there, and I thought she would still be there by the time I returned and she'd open the door for me. So I didn't take my keys with me when I left...

So when I came back she'd already left and I found myself locked out. It was around 6PM so I had to call a locksmith after regular business hours.. It took him a while to get to my place but eventually he got there and then he told me how much it was going to cost. It was ridiculously expensive. He took one look at the lock and said "Oh, this is going to be a lot of work - this lock can be particularly fiddly to open without a key." I thought "Good, at least you're gonna have to work hard to earn the fortune I'm about to pay you."

To my disappointment, it took him less than ten seconds to open the door. I think he was trying to justify his ridiculous price when he said that. Anyway... lesson learned. Never again did I leave my house without my keys.

Now, I'm sure many of you have stories about being locked out of the house. Have you ever locked yourself out because you left the house keys, I don't know, on your nightstand and then you left the house through the front door, the door locked behind you, and you had no way to get back in?

What's your emergency plan for when you lose your keys or get locked out - does your neighbour have a copy of your keys? Let me know in the comments, and talk to you next time!

Key terms

a key made / a key cut
locked out; lock yourself out



didn't have my keys on me = minhas chaves não estavam comigo

fiddly = complicado, chato de mexer, etc

How’s it going?  Hoje falamos sobre fazer cópias da chave e se trancar pra fora de casa em inglês!


a locksmith

How’s it going? This is the new episode of the Inglês Online podcast.

Please subscribe to this podcast using the Podcasts app for iPhone or iPad, or listen to the episodes using the Inglesonline Android app.

Thanks for all the comments at the iTunes store and if you haven’t yet left a comment for this podcast please do so: the more comments for the Inglês Online podcast, the more people will find out about it and listen to the episodes.

Thank you for telling your friends, your neighbours, your family and keep listening.

So let’s say you just moved into a new house and you would like a couple of people in your life to have the keys to your house. Yeah, they’ll be able to come and go as they wish. Let’s say it’s your brother and your best pal John. He’s like a brother to you, so basically you want your brothers – your bros – to have a copy of your house keys.

So what do you do? You go to a locksmith to have extra keys made for your bros. Well, not just for them. You know it’s prudent to leave an extra key to the front door with your next-door neighbour, so you’re going to the key shop to have three sets of keys made: one for your brother, one for John, and the third set for the neighbour.

So that’s the first term I wanted to talk about today – have keys made. Or, if you’re in the UK, the more common “have keys cut“. For example – I’ve lost my house key so I’ll pop by the locksmith’s tomorrow and have a new one cut. I just read somewhere on Twitter that someone just had a key cut at their local shop here in the UK, and they paid £2.69 for a key to be cut. He was outraged. By the way, “p” is short for pence.

If you went to your local locksmith or key-cutting shop, how much would you pay to have a key cut? I remember once when I lived in São Paulo I got home and found out I had been locked out of my house. That means I didn’t have my keys on me. When I left home earlier that day, my cleaning lady was there, and I thought she would still be there by the time I returned and she’d open the door for me. So I didn’t take my keys with me when I left…

So when I came back she’d already left and I found myself locked out. It was around 6PM so I had to call a locksmith after regular business hours.. It took him a while to get to my place but eventually he got there and then he told me how much it was going to cost. It was ridiculously expensive. He took one look at the lock and said “Oh, this is going to be a lot of work – this lock can be particularly fiddly to open without a key.” I thought “Good, at least you’re gonna have to work hard to earn the fortune I’m about to pay you.”

To my disappointment, it took him less than ten seconds to open the door. I think he was trying to justify his ridiculous price when he said that. Anyway… lesson learned. Never again did I leave my house without my keys.

Now, I’m sure many of you have stories about being locked out of the house. Have you ever locked yourself out because you left the house keys, I don’t know, on your nightstand and then you left the house through the front door, the door locked behind you, and you had no way to get back in?

What’s your emergency plan for when you lose your keys or get locked out – does your neighbour have a copy of your keys? Let me know in the comments, and talk to you next time!

Key terms

a key made / a key cut
locked out; lock yourself out



didn’t have my keys on me = minhas chaves não estavam comigo

fiddly = complicado, chato de mexer, etc