Hello, everybody.

Hoje eu falo sobre idioms super comuns da língua inglesa com a palavra move. Não perca!

Hello, everybody. You're listening to the new episode of the Inglês Online podcast, and today we talk about idioms with the word move.

Please download our Android app and leave a comment about this podcast at the iTunes store. Thank you very much and enjoy the podcast!

So let's start today with a simple idiom that we use to tell someone we will soon have a new place of residence. Meaning, the house or apartment we currently live in will no longer be our place of residence. In some time, we will have a new address, and a new place to call home. For example, let's say that next week I am moving house. I'm not, really, but that's the idiom, move house.

So I remember when I asked my web developer some time ago to do some work for me and he replied back saying "I'll be able to do this on Monday. Tomorrow I'm moving house." As for me, since I came to London I've moved house a couple of times. Last time I actually moved into a flat - but that's how the idiom goes: move house. Last time I moved house was June, this year. By the way - while I was looking for examples around the web I found an article entitled "Is it rude to ask a friend to help you move house?" I guess if it's a close friend that would be OK. Would you do that - or rather, who would ask to help you move house?

Now, check out our second idiom: move on. If you regularly watch TV shows and films, you have definitely heard this one in phrases like "It's time to move on". "He's moved on". "You have to move on." To move on means, essentially, to keep moving forward and it's usually said in a figurative sense, rather than literally. It's an expression that will likely come up when someone has just come out of a relationship. Example: John and his girlfriend ended things last month, and his friends have told him he's got to move on. What does that mean? That means his friends think John should be going out, meeting new people, maybe start going out with someone new. That's "moving on".

You can also say move on when you're having a conversation and you're done with a certain topic or when you're at a meeting and - same thing, you're all done discussing something and it's time to move on to the next topic.

Our third idiom of today is move in with someone. You've heard this one a lot if you watch American shows frequently. When you move in with someone you're going to share a house or an apartment with them. You'll probably share expenses as well, as well as every room in the house other than your bedroom - well, sometimes you share a bedroom. It's very common to hear people say "I'm moving in with my boyfriend" or "My girfriend and I are moving in together". So, obviously, we're talking about couples here who, at first, live in separate residences, and eventually decide to live together. It could be that the girl is moving into the guy's place, or the other way around - the guy is moving into his girlfriend's place. Or maybe they've found a new home and they're both moving out of their current places and moving in to the new place, together.

Are you familiar with any of our idioms today? Move house, move on, move in? Let me know in the comments, and talk to you next time!

Key expressions

move house
move on
move in


as for me = quanto a mim

Hello, everybody.

Hoje eu falo sobre idioms super comuns da língua inglesa com a palavra move. Não perca!


Hello, everybody. You’re listening to the new episode of the Inglês Online podcast, and today we talk about idioms with the word move.

Please download our Android app and leave a comment about this podcast at the iTunes store. Thank you very much and enjoy the podcast!

So let’s start today with a simple idiom that we use to tell someone we will soon have a new place of residence. Meaning, the house or apartment we currently live in will no longer be our place of residence. In some time, we will have a new address, and a new place to call home. For example, let’s say that next week I am moving house. I’m not, really, but that’s the idiom, move house.

So I remember when I asked my web developer some time ago to do some work for me and he replied back saying “I’ll be able to do this on Monday. Tomorrow I’m moving house.” As for me, since I came to London I’ve moved house a couple of times. Last time I actually moved into a flat – but that’s how the idiom goes: move house. Last time I moved house was June, this year. By the way – while I was looking for examples around the web I found an article entitled “Is it rude to ask a friend to help you move house?” I guess if it’s a close friend that would be OK. Would you do that – or rather, who would ask to help you move house?

Now, check out our second idiom: move on. If you regularly watch TV shows and films, you have definitely heard this one in phrases like “It’s time to move on”. “He’s moved on”. “You have to move on.” To move on means, essentially, to keep moving forward and it’s usually said in a figurative sense, rather than literally. It’s an expression that will likely come up when someone has just come out of a relationship. Example: John and his girlfriend ended things last month, and his friends have told him he’s got to move on. What does that mean? That means his friends think John should be going out, meeting new people, maybe start going out with someone new. That’s “moving on”.

You can also say move on when you’re having a conversation and you’re done with a certain topic or when you’re at a meeting and – same thing, you’re all done discussing something and it’s time to move on to the next topic.

Our third idiom of today is move in with someone. You’ve heard this one a lot if you watch American shows frequently. When you move in with someone you’re going to share a house or an apartment with them. You’ll probably share expenses as well, as well as every room in the house other than your bedroom – well, sometimes you share a bedroom. It’s very common to hear people say “I’m moving in with my boyfriend” or “My girfriend and I are moving in together”. So, obviously, we’re talking about couples here who, at first, live in separate residences, and eventually decide to live together. It could be that the girl is moving into the guy’s place, or the other way around – the guy is moving into his girlfriend’s place. Or maybe they’ve found a new home and they’re both moving out of their current places and moving in to the new place, together.

Are you familiar with any of our idioms today? Move house, move on, move in? Let me know in the comments, and talk to you next time!

Key expressions

move house
move on
move in


as for me = quanto a mim