How are you?

Hoje eu falo sobre dois idioms para usar quando alguém está dando aquela ignorada em outra pessoa.

Observação: repare em como eu pronuncio o nome Anthony no podcast. Apesar de ele ter o TH, frequentemente é pronunciado no Reino Unido como faço aqui: com o som regular de T (como em Tony) e não TH (como em Kathy).

How are you? You're listening to the new episode of the Inglês Online podcast. Thank you for telling everyone you know about this podcast and, enjoy!

So let's say you arrive at your friend Anthony's birthday party and you see some friends and you say hi to them, obviously, and then you see a few people you know - not very well, they're not close friends; they're acquaintances but you greet them as well, of course... So you decide to approach this little circle of people you know - it's two of your good friends, plus Sally who you've seen before and even exchanged a few words with but.. whom you don't know really well. She seems nice anyway, so, no worries there.

So you go ahead and say hi to your friends, and Sally, ask them what they've been up to and stuff, and after a minute or so you notice that Sally is a bit frosty towards you. She didn't really say hi back when you greeted her and she's avoiding eye contact. She's being a bit frosty.

Have you ever experienced that? And I'm not talking about shyness.. obviously some people aren't naturally warm because they may be shy or very reserved. Sometimes you just know that that's not the case, though. You've talked to this person before and you know they're nice, and they've been warm towards you, and you can't remember doing anything that might have upset them so you're now a bit puzzled by their treatment. You can tell that this person is being frosty.

And then, let's say you're at the same party and you bump into two of your older friends, John and Alice. John greets you warmly; Alice, not so much. She says hi and quickly excuses herself without another word. Throughout the night, she always seems to be deep in conversation with someone else every time you approach her. You can tell Alice is giving you the cold shoulder.

She's kind of snubbing you slightly; she's acting indifferent towards you. She's giving you the cold shoulder. You don't feel particularly popular at Anthony's birthday party tonight, obviously... First it's Sally acting a bit frosty, and now it's Alice giving you the cold shoulder. In Alice's case, though, you have a pretty good idea of why she's behaving like that.

Alice is your ex-girlfriend, and you guys broke up over a year ago, and you thought she was fine. All this time you've gotten along great and you definitely thought she was over you. So, what happened? Well, you started dating again a couple of weeks ago. You're going out with a different girl now, and you know how it is within a group of friends... News travels fast. Alice must have caught wind of it and now she's avoiding you.

I think everyone listening to this podcast can relate. Can you remember a time when someone acted a bit frosty towards you and gave you the could shoulder for a while? Why did they do that? Did the two of you end up getting back on good terms?

Let me know in the comments about what happened and talk to you next time!

Key expressions

cold shoulder


you're puzzled = você está confuso/a

she was over you = ela tinha te esquecido (romanticamente)

catch wind of (something) = ficar sabendo de (alguma coisa)

get back on good terms with someone = ficar de bem, fazer as pazes ou voltar a falar com alguém

How are you?

Hoje eu falo sobre dois idioms para usar quando alguém está dando aquela ignorada em outra pessoa.

Observação: repare em como eu pronuncio o nome Anthony no podcast. Apesar de ele ter o TH, frequentemente é pronunciado no Reino Unido como faço aqui: com o som regular de T (como em Tony) e não TH (como em Kathy).


How are you? You’re listening to the new episode of the Inglês Online podcast. Thank you for telling everyone you know about this podcast and, enjoy!

So let’s say you arrive at your friend Anthony’s birthday party and you see some friends and you say hi to them, obviously, and then you see a few people you know – not very well, they’re not close friends; they’re acquaintances but you greet them as well, of course… So you decide to approach this little circle of people you know – it’s two of your good friends, plus Sally who you’ve seen before and even exchanged a few words with but.. whom you don’t know really well. She seems nice anyway, so, no worries there.

So you go ahead and say hi to your friends, and Sally, ask them what they’ve been up to and stuff, and after a minute or so you notice that Sally is a bit frosty towards you. She didn’t really say hi back when you greeted her and she’s avoiding eye contact. She’s being a bit frosty.

Have you ever experienced that? And I’m not talking about shyness.. obviously some people aren’t naturally warm because they may be shy or very reserved. Sometimes you just know that that’s not the case, though. You’ve talked to this person before and you know they’re nice, and they’ve been warm towards you, and you can’t remember doing anything that might have upset them so you’re now a bit puzzled by their treatment. You can tell that this person is being frosty.

And then, let’s say you’re at the same party and you bump into two of your older friends, John and Alice. John greets you warmly; Alice, not so much. She says hi and quickly excuses herself without another word. Throughout the night, she always seems to be deep in conversation with someone else every time you approach her. You can tell Alice is giving you the cold shoulder.

She’s kind of snubbing you slightly; she’s acting indifferent towards you. She’s giving you the cold shoulder. You don’t feel particularly popular at Anthony’s birthday party tonight, obviously… First it’s Sally acting a bit frosty, and now it’s Alice giving you the cold shoulder. In Alice’s case, though, you have a pretty good idea of why she’s behaving like that.

Alice is your ex-girlfriend, and you guys broke up over a year ago, and you thought she was fine. All this time you’ve gotten along great and you definitely thought she was over you. So, what happened? Well, you started dating again a couple of weeks ago. You’re going out with a different girl now, and you know how it is within a group of friends… News travels fast. Alice must have caught wind of it and now she’s avoiding you.

I think everyone listening to this podcast can relate. Can you remember a time when someone acted a bit frosty towards you and gave you the could shoulder for a while? Why did they do that? Did the two of you end up getting back on good terms?

Let me know in the comments about what happened and talk to you next time!

Key expressions

cold shoulder


you’re puzzled = você está confuso/a

she was over you = ela tinha te esquecido (romanticamente)

catch wind of (something) = ficar sabendo de (alguma coisa)

get back on good terms with someone = ficar de bem, fazer as pazes ou voltar a falar com alguém