What's up? Sei que o título de hoje pode chocar um pouco :-( mas o assunto é atual e importante! Todos ouviram falar dos ataques terroristas em Paris, e o governo britânico já está orientando a população sobre como proceder em caso de ataques similares por aqui. Eu aproveito para falar sobre o vocabulário!

What's up? This is the new episode of the Inglês Online podcast.

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OK, so I know today's topic is a bummer: I'm gonna talk about the aftermath of the Paris terror attacks, specifically here in England, where I live. Keep listening though - the vocabulary involved is pretty interesting and not something you hear every day.

So last Friday, the thirteenth of November 2015, a number of coordinated terrorist attacks occurred in Paris, France. There were mass shootings, suicide bombings, and many people were held hostage.

As expected, ISIS, the islamic state terrorist group claimed responsibility for the attacks, and as it turns out other European capitals are at risk. So now the British government has released some advice on how people can prepare for similar attacks here in the UK.

The main piece of advice, or at least the piece this newspaper article chose to highlight is, victims should run and hide rather than play dead. What that means is, rather than falling on the floor and pretending you're dead, you should try and run away from the shooting and hide away somewhere.

But the UK Security Chiefs actually provided a lot of detailed advice, which is pretty interesting to go through - well, for me, I'd say it's kind of important to go through all of it... as you may know, I live in London - but for you and all other English learners it's a nice opportunity to get some more exposure to this sort of vocabulary, which you might have already heard on TV shows.

So I've selected some of the advice, which they summed up in the following instruction: RUN, HIDE, TELL. So here we go:

RUN: Escape if you can; consider the safest options; is there a safe route? Run, if not, hide. Can you get there without exposing yourself to greater danger? Insist others leave with you; leave belongings behind.

So the first part is all about escaping and running away. Alright, makes sense. Here's the next part:

HIDE: If you can’t run, hide; find cover from gunfire - if you can see the attacker, they may be able to see you; cover from view does not mean you are safe, bullets go through glass, brick, wood and metal; find cover from gunfire e.g. substantial brickwork or heavy reinforced walls; be aware of your exits; try not to get trapped; be quiet, silence your phone; move away from the door.

So there are some interesting bits here - for example "cover from view does not mean that you're safe", meaning, if there's a wall between you and the attacker and they shoot, the bullets might still get through the wall and hurt you, so what they recommend is that you hide behind substantial brickwork (like a very thick wall).

And the much needed instruction in our time of mobile phones - silence your phone if you're trying to hide from attackers.

Finally, the third part of the advice is TELL: call 999 - What do the police need to know? Location - Where are the suspects? Direction - Where did you last see the suspects? Descriptions – Describe the attacker, numbers, features, clothing, weapons etc. Further information – Casualties, type of injury, building information, entrances, exits, hostages etc., and stop other people entering the building if it is safe to do so.

What’s up? Sei que o título de hoje pode chocar um pouco :-( mas o assunto é atual e importante! Todos ouviram falar dos ataques terroristas em Paris, e o governo britânico já está orientando a população sobre como proceder em caso de ataques similares por aqui. Eu aproveito para falar sobre o vocabulário!


What’s up? This is the new episode of the Inglês Online podcast.

Please subscribe to this podcast using the Podcasts app for iPhone or iPad, or listen to the episodes using the Inglesonline Android app.

Thanks for all the comments at the iTunes store and if you haven’t yet left a comment for this podcast please do so: the more comments for the Inglês Online podcast, the more people will find out about it and listen to the episodes.

Thank you for telling your friends, your neighbours, your family and keep listening.

OK, so I know today’s topic is a bummer: I’m gonna talk about the aftermath of the Paris terror attacks, specifically here in England, where I live. Keep listening though – the vocabulary involved is pretty interesting and not something you hear every day.

So last Friday, the thirteenth of November 2015, a number of coordinated terrorist attacks occurred in Paris, France. There were mass shootings, suicide bombings, and many people were held hostage.

As expected, ISIS, the islamic state terrorist group claimed responsibility for the attacks, and as it turns out other European capitals are at risk. So now the British government has released some advice on how people can prepare for similar attacks here in the UK.

The main piece of advice, or at least the piece this newspaper article chose to highlight is, victims should run and hide rather than play dead. What that means is, rather than falling on the floor and pretending you’re dead, you should try and run away from the shooting and hide away somewhere.

But the UK Security Chiefs actually provided a lot of detailed advice, which is pretty interesting to go through – well, for me, I’d say it’s kind of important to go through all of it… as you may know, I live in London – but for you and all other English learners it’s a nice opportunity to get some more exposure to this sort of vocabulary, which you might have already heard on TV shows.

So I’ve selected some of the advice, which they summed up in the following instruction: RUN, HIDE, TELL. So here we go:

RUN: Escape if you can; consider the safest options; is there a safe route? Run, if not, hide. Can you get there without exposing yourself to greater danger? Insist others leave with you; leave belongings behind.

So the first part is all about escaping and running away. Alright, makes sense. Here’s the next part:

HIDE: If you can’t run, hide; find cover from gunfire – if you can see the attacker, they may be able to see you; cover from view does not mean you are safe, bullets go through glass, brick, wood and metal; find cover from gunfire e.g. substantial brickwork or heavy reinforced walls; be aware of your exits; try not to get trapped; be quiet, silence your phone; move away from the door.

So there are some interesting bits here – for example “cover from view does not mean that you’re safe”, meaning, if there’s a wall between you and the attacker and they shoot, the bullets might still get through the wall and hurt you, so what they recommend is that you hide behind substantial brickwork (like a very thick wall).

And the much needed instruction in our time of mobile phones – silence your phone if you’re trying to hide from attackers.

Finally, the third part of the advice is TELL: call 999 – What do the police need to know? Location – Where are the suspects? Direction – Where did you last see the suspects? Descriptions – Describe the attacker, numbers, features, clothing, weapons etc. Further information – Casualties, type of injury, building information, entrances, exits, hostages etc., and stop other people entering the building if it is safe to do so.

So that’s quite a lot to remember in case you find yourself in the middle of a terrorist attack, however if you can remember at least a few instructions that would probably be very helpful. So what do you think about all the advice? I have to say, it’s nice to remind people that they shouldn’t simply fall to the floor and play dead – try and run away if you can!

Let me know your thoughts. See you next time!


the aftermath = as consequências e/ou efeitos de algum acontecimento desagradável

e.g. = for example

brickwork = qualquer coisa construída com tijolos