Hey you! Hoje temos o episódio do podcast Inglês Online é sobre a história do noivo que chutou o buquê da noiva antes que qualquer uma das amigas dela conseguisse pegar as flores. Ouça o episódio para saber mais sobre o incidente, e qual foi a reação das convidadas.

Hey, you! This is the new episode of the Inglês Online podcast. Please subscribe to this podcast using the Podcasts app for iPhone or iPad, or listen to the episodes using the Inglesonline Android app. Thanks for all the comments at the iTunes store and if you haven't yet left a comment for this podcast please do so: the more comments for the Inglesonline podcast, the more people will find out about it and listen to the episodes. Thank you for telling your friends, your neighbours, your family and keep listening.

So today I stumbled upon this funny piece of news about a bride who, on her wedding, you know - threw the bouquet to the female guests... As you do, when you're a woman getting married. It's tradition! So, anyway, the woman threw the bouquet, and here's what happened:

"A groom left his female wedding guests disappointed after destroying his bride's bouquet of flowers - before any of the unmarried women could get their hands on them."

That's right. The groom destroyed the bouquet. Here's the link to the story if you'd like to check it out, and there's a video too, so go watch it. So here's what I find weird about this story: this guy just got married. It's not like he's against marriage..! And as far as I know, he got married of his own free will.

I mean, I would understand if a confirmed bachelor did that - although, honestly, that would be in poor taste - but at least it would be in line with his convictions. However we're not talking about a confirmed bachelor here, we're talking about the groom, now husband! What's going on with this guy?

And here's what he did after kicking the bouquet, according to the news piece: "The groom then runs over to his friend and gives him a high-five, saying: "Sorry, I had to." So he high-fived his friend and said that he had to do it. Ok, I don't know about you but I'd be wary about marrying a guy that feels he has to save his mates from having the same fate as him...

Now, it seems like the female guests didn't take it very seriously, which, I have to say, is nice. I found this comment on a different news site, supposedly by a guest that attended the wedding: "I was at that wedding stood amongst those girls. We all thought it was hilarious and were not left "disappointed". We all saw the funny side to what Joe did, including the bride! For everyone saying the marriage won't last, you don't know these people! They are ridiculously happy and currently on their honeymoon in Mexico! Some people just take things far too seriously and just need to lighten up!!"

That's cool: everyone thought it was hilarious and the groom is a big goofball from the sounds of it. Better this way. If the bride thought it was funny, then I think it's funny. Now, I'd like to hear from female listeners - are you a stickler for tradition? If you're married, did you throw the bouquet... And maybe one of your friends caught it? Did she get married?

Or maybe you were at a friend's wedding and you caught the bouquet. So - did you get married after that?

I'm not the best person in the world to talk about traditions because I'm not really big on traditions. I'm fine with following them if I think they're OK, but I don't mind not following them either. How do you feel about traditions? If you're married, which traditional things did you do?

Let me know in the comments, and talk to you next time.


as you do = como é comum fazer
I'd be wary about = eu ficaria meio cabreira a respeito de
a confirmed bachelor = solteiro convicto
goofball = palhação
lighten up = relaxar
a stickler for = faz questão de

Hey you! Hoje temos o episódio do podcast Inglês Online é sobre a história do noivo que chutou o buquê da noiva antes que qualquer uma das amigas dela conseguisse pegar as flores. Ouça o episódio para saber mais sobre o incidente, e qual foi a reação das convidadas.


Hey, you! This is the new episode of the Inglês Online podcast. Please subscribe to this podcast using the Podcasts app for iPhone or iPad, or listen to the episodes using the Inglesonline Android app. Thanks for all the comments at the iTunes store and if you haven’t yet left a comment for this podcast please do so: the more comments for the Inglesonline podcast, the more people will find out about it and listen to the episodes. Thank you for telling your friends, your neighbours, your family and keep listening.

So today I stumbled upon this funny piece of news about a bride who, on her wedding, you know – threw the bouquet to the female guests… As you do, when you’re a woman getting married. It’s tradition! So, anyway, the woman threw the bouquet, and here’s what happened:

“A groom left his female wedding guests disappointed after destroying his bride’s bouquet of flowers – before any of the unmarried women could get their hands on them.”

That’s right. The groom destroyed the bouquet. Here’s the link to the story if you’d like to check it out, and there’s a video too, so go watch it. So here’s what I find weird about this story: this guy just got married. It’s not like he’s against marriage..! And as far as I know, he got married of his own free will.

I mean, I would understand if a confirmed bachelor did that – although, honestly, that would be in poor taste – but at least it would be in line with his convictions. However we’re not talking about a confirmed bachelor here, we’re talking about the groom, now husband! What’s going on with this guy?

And here’s what he did after kicking the bouquet, according to the news piece: “The groom then runs over to his friend and gives him a high-five, saying: “Sorry, I had to.” So he high-fived his friend and said that he had to do it. Ok, I don’t know about you but I’d be wary about marrying a guy that feels he has to save his mates from having the same fate as him…

Now, it seems like the female guests didn’t take it very seriously, which, I have to say, is nice. I found this comment on a different news site, supposedly by a guest that attended the wedding: “I was at that wedding stood amongst those girls. We all thought it was hilarious and were not left “disappointed”. We all saw the funny side to what Joe did, including the bride! For everyone saying the marriage won’t last, you don’t know these people! They are ridiculously happy and currently on their honeymoon in Mexico! Some people just take things far too seriously and just need to lighten up!!”

That’s cool: everyone thought it was hilarious and the groom is a big goofball from the sounds of it. Better this way. If the bride thought it was funny, then I think it’s funny. Now, I’d like to hear from female listeners – are you a stickler for tradition? If you’re married, did you throw the bouquet… And maybe one of your friends caught it? Did she get married?

Or maybe you were at a friend’s wedding and you caught the bouquet. So – did you get married after that?

I’m not the best person in the world to talk about traditions because I’m not really big on traditions. I’m fine with following them if I think they’re OK, but I don’t mind not following them either. How do you feel about traditions? If you’re married, which traditional things did you do?

Let me know in the comments, and talk to you next time.


as you do = como é comum fazer

I’d be wary about = eu ficaria meio cabreira a respeito de

a confirmed bachelor = solteiro convicto

goofball = palhação

lighten up = relaxar

a stickler for = faz questão de