Hi, everybody.

Hoje eu falo sobre comida e talvez você ouça alguns ingredientes cuja tradução para o português você não conhece exatamente (ou talvez não!) Veja o vocabulário no fim do post para ter ajuda.

Hi, everybody. You're listening to the new episode of the Inglês Online podcast. Thank you for telling everyone you know about this podcast and, enjoy!

So, how are you doing today? It's a sunny morning out here where I am, and I feel like talking about something that's a bit unusual for me. Maybe not for most other people but a bit unusual for me, which is food, and cooking a little bit. See, I don't usually cook much and the people I've met here in London are always a bit surprised when I tell them I don't cook much.

And the reason I don't cook much isn't necessarily that I don't like cooking; it's just that I end up doing other things with my time and cooking doesn't make it as a priority. That is absolutely helped by two things: the fact that fortunately I'm able to find pre-packaged food in supermarkets that is of good quality and tastes nice, and the fact that I usually eat very simple things.

For example, for the longest time I had a version of fish and chips for dinner. I say "a version" because the true fish and chips, the one you get at a pub, is a much bigger and heavier portion of food than the one I get at the supermarket. The one from the supermarket is a much smaller chunk of fish, coated in breadcrumbs, with potato wedges. Sort of like what we call "peixe à milanesa com batata frita", but potato wedges are chunkier than French fries. Click on the link I've included here to see what potato wedges look like. So that was all I had for dinner for the longest time, with a bit of lime juice and salt, and I loved it.

Other times I cook a little bit: I make rice with sultanas and steamed broccoli with garlic, and this is one of my favourite things ever to eat. I think I could eat that most nights and be happy. By the way, sultanas are "white" raisins, although they're not really white... They're just a bit less dark then regular raisins I suppose. I also make salad regularly - green leaves, tomato and store-bought dressing, but that doesn't really count as cooking, does it?

So lately I've gone back to eating avocado in the form of guacamole. Again, very simple food and simple to make. So a few weeks ago, for the first time in a long time, I smashed one half of a ripe avocado, added in a bit of chopped tomatoes and onion, a little salt, a squeeze of lime and... that was it. That's what I remembered of the recipe and let me tell you, it was quite bland. Pretty blah.

Obviously, that was not how I remembered good guacamole to taste like. I searched online and found a recipe titled "The best guacamole ever". Perfect - that's exactly what I wanted. So obviously the ingredients I was already using were there - avocado, onion, tomato, lime juice and salt; but here's my mistake: I was completely overlooking all the different kinds of pepper that go into a guacamole... and garlic.

So I got that sorted immediately - went to the shop and got some red chili, cayenne and black pepper. I didn't have any of those 'cause I rarely ever put pepper on my food. So the next time I made the guacamole I added in all that pepper, and also added some minced garlic.

It turned out great - full of flavour and picante! I suggest you give it a try if you've never had guacamole before. It's basically avocado, tomatoes, onion, lime juice, garlic and a bunch of peppers. Very yummy... and healthy to boot.

That's it for today - tell me what you've been cooking in the kitchen.. Rice, beans, chicken, vegetables? I want to know. Tell us in the comments, and talk to you next time!


chunk = pedaço

chunkier = mais grossa (espessura)

breadcrumbs = migalhas de pão, usadas também para fazer 'milanesa'

steamed = no vapor

bland = sem gosto, sem graça

blah = mais ou menos, sem graça, não muito bom (informal)

Hi, everybody.

Hoje eu falo sobre comida e talvez você ouça alguns ingredientes cuja tradução para o português você não conhece exatamente (ou talvez não!) Veja o vocabulário no fim do post para ter ajuda.


Hi, everybody. You’re listening to the new episode of the Inglês Online podcast. Thank you for telling everyone you know about this podcast and, enjoy!

So, how are you doing today? It’s a sunny morning out here where I am, and I feel like talking about something that’s a bit unusual for me. Maybe not for most other people but a bit unusual for me, which is food, and cooking a little bit. See, I don’t usually cook much and the people I’ve met here in London are always a bit surprised when I tell them I don’t cook much.

And the reason I don’t cook much isn’t necessarily that I don’t like cooking; it’s just that I end up doing other things with my time and cooking doesn’t make it as a priority. That is absolutely helped by two things: the fact that fortunately I’m able to find pre-packaged food in supermarkets that is of good quality and tastes nice, and the fact that I usually eat very simple things.

For example, for the longest time I had a version of fish and chips for dinner. I say “a version” because the true fish and chips, the one you get at a pub, is a much bigger and heavier portion of food than the one I get at the supermarket. The one from the supermarket is a much smaller chunk of fish, coated in breadcrumbs, with potato wedges. Sort of like what we call “peixe à milanesa com batata frita”, but potato wedges are chunkier than French fries. Click on the link I’ve included here to see what potato wedges look like. So that was all I had for dinner for the longest time, with a bit of lime juice and salt, and I loved it.

Other times I cook a little bit: I make rice with sultanas and steamed broccoli with garlic, and this is one of my favourite things ever to eat. I think I could eat that most nights and be happy. By the way, sultanas are “white” raisins, although they’re not really white… They’re just a bit less dark then regular raisins I suppose. I also make salad regularly – green leaves, tomato and store-bought dressing, but that doesn’t really count as cooking, does it?

So lately I’ve gone back to eating avocado in the form of guacamole. Again, very simple food and simple to make. So a few weeks ago, for the first time in a long time, I smashed one half of a ripe avocado, added in a bit of chopped tomatoes and onion, a little salt, a squeeze of lime and… that was it. That’s what I remembered of the recipe and let me tell you, it was quite bland. Pretty blah.

Obviously, that was not how I remembered good guacamole to taste like. I searched online and found a recipe titled “The best guacamole ever”. Perfect – that’s exactly what I wanted. So obviously the ingredients I was already using were there – avocado, onion, tomato, lime juice and salt; but here’s my mistake: I was completely overlooking all the different kinds of pepper that go into a guacamole… and garlic.

So I got that sorted immediately – went to the shop and got some red chili, cayenne and black pepper. I didn’t have any of those ’cause I rarely ever put pepper on my food. So the next time I made the guacamole I added in all that pepper, and also added some minced garlic.

It turned out great – full of flavour and picante! I suggest you give it a try if you’ve never had guacamole before. It’s basically avocado, tomatoes, onion, lime juice, garlic and a bunch of peppers. Very yummy… and healthy to boot.

That’s it for today – tell me what you’ve been cooking in the kitchen.. Rice, beans, chicken, vegetables? I want to know. Tell us in the comments, and talk to you next time!


chunk = pedaço

chunkier = mais grossa (espessura)

breadcrumbs = migalhas de pão, usadas também para fazer ‘milanesa’

steamed = no vapor

bland = sem gosto, sem graça

blah = mais ou menos, sem graça, não muito bom (informal)

red chili = pimenta malagueta (no geral)

cayenne pepper = pó de pimentas vermelhas (tipo malagueta)

black pepper = pimenta do reino

minced = picadinho em pedaços bem pequenos

to boot = ainda por cima

Receita: Best guacamole ever