Hey, everybody. No episódio de hoje do podcast Inglês Online, eu falo sobre circunstâncias que forçam mudanças temporárias na sua rotina.

Como você reage? Segue em frente como se nada tivesse acontecido ou demora um pouco pra se acostumar?

Aproveite para reparar bem também no meu uso do Present Perfect, já que estou falando de uma situação que começou há alguns dias e continua até agora.

Hey, everybody. This is the new episode of the Inglesonline podcast.

Please subscribe to this podcast using the Podcasts app for iPhone or iPad, or listen to the episodes using the Inglesonline Android app.

Thanks for all the comments at the iTunes store and if you haven't yet left a comment for this podcast, please do so.

The more comments for the Inglesonline podcast, the more people will find out about it and listen to the episodes.

Thank you for telling your friends, your neighbours, your family and keep listening!

So how do you react when your normal circumstances are disturbed? Here's what I mean... I'll give you an example of something going on in my life.

I work at home. I used to go out to cafés a lot and bring my laptop with me, but lately I've been staying in more often.

I've been doing that for a few reasons. One is, it saves me time, which means I've more time available to work on Inglês Online.

Another reason is.. the silence. Cafés are busy, whereas my home is pretty quiet. Or so it was!

So on to my example: my normal circumstances have been disturbed. Temporarily, that is.

My housemate, who's also the landlady, is redoing her kitchen, and for that she hired two contractors who have torn the old kitchen down and are now in the process of putting a new kitchen in place.

Obviously, tearing down the kitchen involved making noise. A lot of noise.

Coincidentally, I had a job to do this week that involved recording my voice for a couple of hours.

Ideally, I should do that without a lot of external background noise - not the case this week.

So yesterday I waited until 6 o'clock in the afternoon - the two men working in the kitchen had left by then, and I was able to do my recording in relative silence.

Well, having the kitchen redone also means I can't use the oven - actually, we can't use anything that used to be in the kitchen, except the fridge.

So the fridge is working, and there's a new microwave oven, but that's it. All my stuff - kitchen supplies and groceries - is piled up on a table and covered in a dust sheet.

I've been eating sandwiches and drinking coffee beverages out of a can (which isn't bad, I have to say - just a bit more expensive than making my own coffee). And, the house has been kinda messy.

Obviously, this is all temporary and necessary for the kitchen work to be done. All should be back to normal in less than a month.

And I had plenty of notice from my landlady, so... When the contractors started their work, I was ready.

Still, it got me thinking about temporary disturbances and how we deal with them.

My question for you today is, what would you do if you were me?

Would you take your work somewhere else just to get out of the house?

Would you do the same as I've done, and pick up a sandwich and some crisps in a shop every day for dinner?

Would you be really annoyed if you decided to stay in every day, or would you be able to focus on your work and stay just as productive?

Are you pretty flexible regarding your surroundings, or do you feel that you need the right kind of environment to get something accomplished?

Let me know in the comments, and talk to you next time!


to stay in = ficar em casa

they have torn the old kitchen down = eles botaram abaixo a cozinha antiga

they had left by 6pm = às 6 da tarde eles já tinham ido embora

a dust sheet = um lenço, geralmente de plástico, para proteger objetos de poeira

coffee beverages out of a can = bebidas em lata feitas com café

I had plenty of notice from someone = a pessoa me avisou com bastante antecedênc...

Hey, everybody. No episódio de hoje do podcast Inglês Online, eu falo sobre circunstâncias que forçam mudanças temporárias na sua rotina.

Como você reage? Segue em frente como se nada tivesse acontecido ou demora um pouco pra se acostumar?

Aproveite para reparar bem também no meu uso do Present Perfect, já que estou falando de uma situação que começou há alguns dias e continua até agora.


Hey, everybody. This is the new episode of the Inglesonline podcast.

Please subscribe to this podcast using the Podcasts app for iPhone or iPad, or listen to the episodes using the Inglesonline Android app.

Thanks for all the comments at the iTunes store and if you haven’t yet left a comment for this podcast, please do so.

The more comments for the Inglesonline podcast, the more people will find out about it and listen to the episodes.

Thank you for telling your friends, your neighbours, your family and keep listening!

So how do you react when your normal circumstances are disturbed? Here’s what I mean… I’ll give you an example of something going on in my life.

I work at home. I used to go out to cafés a lot and bring my laptop with me, but lately I’ve been staying in more often.

I’ve been doing that for a few reasons. One is, it saves me time, which means I’ve more time available to work on Inglês Online.

Another reason is.. the silence. Cafés are busy, whereas my home is pretty quiet. Or so it was!

So on to my example: my normal circumstances have been disturbed. Temporarily, that is.

My housemate, who’s also the landlady, is redoing her kitchen, and for that she hired two contractors who have torn the old kitchen down and are now in the process of putting a new kitchen in place.

Obviously, tearing down the kitchen involved making noise. A lot of noise.

Coincidentally, I had a job to do this week that involved recording my voice for a couple of hours.

Ideally, I should do that without a lot of external background noise – not the case this week.

So yesterday I waited until 6 o’clock in the afternoon – the two men working in the kitchen had left by then, and I was able to do my recording in relative silence.

Well, having the kitchen redone also means I can’t use the oven – actually, we can’t use anything that used to be in the kitchen, except the fridge.

So the fridge is working, and there’s a new microwave oven, but that’s it. All my stuff – kitchen supplies and groceries – is piled up on a table and covered in a dust sheet.

I’ve been eating sandwiches and drinking coffee beverages out of a can (which isn’t bad, I have to say – just a bit more expensive than making my own coffee). And, the house has been kinda messy.

Obviously, this is all temporary and necessary for the kitchen work to be done. All should be back to normal in less than a month.

And I had plenty of notice from my landlady, so… When the contractors started their work, I was ready.

Still, it got me thinking about temporary disturbances and how we deal with them.

My question for you today is, what would you do if you were me?

Would you take your work somewhere else just to get out of the house?

Would you do the same as I’ve done, and pick up a sandwich and some crisps in a shop every day for dinner?

Would you be really annoyed if you decided to stay in every day, or would you be able to focus on your work and stay just as productive?

Are you pretty flexible regarding your surroundings, or do you feel that you need the right kind of environment to get something accomplished?

Let me know in the comments, and talk to you next time!


to stay in = ficar em casa

they have torn the old kitchen down = eles botaram abaixo a cozinha antiga

they had left by 6pm = às 6 da tarde eles já tinham ido embora

a dust sheet = um lenço, geralmente de plástico, para proteger objetos de poeira

coffee beverages out of a can = bebidas em lata feitas com café

I had plenty of notice from someone = a pessoa me avisou com bastante antecedência

to get something accomplished = para realizar algo, para cumprir um objetivo