How's it going? No episódio de hoje do podcast Inglês Online, falo sobre maneiras de usar o verbo STICK.

How's it going? This is the new episode of the Inglesonline podcast.

Please subscribe to this podcast using the Podcasts app for iPhone or iPad, or listen to the episodes using the Inglesonline Android app.

Thanks for all the comments at the iTunes store and if you haven't yet left a comment for this podcast please do so: the more comments for the Inglesonline podcast, the more people will find out about it and listen to the episodes.

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So let me tell you a story: years ago, I was in a public speaking class.

Basically, we all had to write a speech about whatever we wanted and then...

Every one of us gave the speech in front of the class and listened to everyone's feedback.

Our job then was to incorporate whatever useful feedback we got and work on the speech to make it better.

After a couple of weeks, we then presented again what was, hopefully, an improved version of our initial speech.

So when I gave my speech for the first time, this is the feedback I got: "I don't understand what you mean".

I had spoken about one of my favourite books when I was a teenager, but the other students couldn't really understand where I was going with it.

Actually, it wasn't even apparent to them what the story of the book was about. It was THAT bad.

Well, in that moment I though the topic I had picked was the problem.

The speech revolved around this book that meant a lot to me, but it wasn't really straightforward to those unfamiliar with the story.

Some people gave me a puzzled look while I spoke... They were definitely not getting it.

So, obviously, I got some private feedback from my teacher and he discussed several points with me.

I just told him I was going to pick a different topic. In that moment I thought it would be impossible for me to write an interesting speech about that book.

I'd taken a stab at it and it had not gone well, and I was feeling a bit discouraged...

My teacher thought differently, though. He thought I should stick with it, and that is the expression I want to focus on today: stick with it, or stick with something.

When you stick with something, that means you don't give up on it even when things get a bit tough.

My teacher wanted me to stick with my topic. He wanted me to talk about that book. He didn't want me to give up on it just because my first attempt wasn't successful.

He wanted me to stick with it, and that's what I ended up doing: I stuck with it. Yep, that's the past of the verb to stick: stuck. I stuck with it.

The teacher gave me a few guidelines, and then I set off to rework my speech.

And what do you know... The second time I gave that speech, it was like I was telling a completely different story.

It went great and after I was done some of my classmates came to me and congratulated me on the speech.

And then my teacher said, "Aren't you glad you stuck with it?" Aren't you glad you didn't give up on this topic?

Now, think about some activity in your life that turned out to be harder than you initially thought, but you stuck with it and you're glad you did. So tell me about it in the comments!

And one more thing: notice that I'm saying things like "I will stick with it", or "I stuck with it". Stick and stuck are the main verbs in those sentences.

It's a different thing to say "I am stuck with it". In this case, stuck is the past participle of stick.

Example: I am stuck with this crappy car. I spent all my money on it, and it is crap.

Now I can't buy a new car, and I can't sell 'cause nobody wants to buy it. I am stuck with it.

It has become a burden; something undesirable that I can't get rid of.

Another example: I got some takeaway food on my way home, but when I opened the bag I had the wrong order! Worst of all, it was food I didn't like.

How’s it going? No episódio de hoje do podcast Inglês Online, falo sobre maneiras de usar o verbo STICK.


How’s it going? This is the new episode of the Inglesonline podcast.

Please subscribe to this podcast using the Podcasts app for iPhone or iPad, or listen to the episodes using the Inglesonline Android app.

Thanks for all the comments at the iTunes store and if you haven’t yet left a comment for this podcast please do so: the more comments for the Inglesonline podcast, the more people will find out about it and listen to the episodes.

Thank you for telling your friends, your neighbours, your family and keep listening.

So let me tell you a story: years ago, I was in a public speaking class.

Basically, we all had to write a speech about whatever we wanted and then…

Every one of us gave the speech in front of the class and listened to everyone’s feedback.

Our job then was to incorporate whatever useful feedback we got and work on the speech to make it better.

After a couple of weeks, we then presented again what was, hopefully, an improved version of our initial speech.

So when I gave my speech for the first time, this is the feedback I got: “I don’t understand what you mean“.

I had spoken about one of my favourite books when I was a teenager, but the other students couldn’t really understand where I was going with it.

Actually, it wasn’t even apparent to them what the story of the book was about. It was THAT bad.

Well, in that moment I though the topic I had picked was the problem.

The speech revolved around this book that meant a lot to me, but it wasn’t really straightforward to those unfamiliar with the story.

Some people gave me a puzzled look while I spoke… They were definitely not getting it.

So, obviously, I got some private feedback from my teacher and he discussed several points with me.

I just told him I was going to pick a different topic. In that moment I thought it would be impossible for me to write an interesting speech about that book.

I’d taken a stab at it and it had not gone well, and I was feeling a bit discouraged…

My teacher thought differently, though. He thought I should stick with it, and that is the expression I want to focus on today: stick with it, or stick with something.

When you stick with something, that means you don’t give up on it even when things get a bit tough.

My teacher wanted me to stick with my topic. He wanted me to talk about that book. He didn’t want me to give up on it just because my first attempt wasn’t successful.

He wanted me to stick with it, and that’s what I ended up doing: I stuck with it. Yep, that’s the past of the verb to stick: stuck. I stuck with it.

The teacher gave me a few guidelines, and then I set off to rework my speech.

And what do you know… The second time I gave that speech, it was like I was telling a completely different story.

It went great and after I was done some of my classmates came to me and congratulated me on the speech.

And then my teacher said, “Aren’t you glad you stuck with it?” Aren’t you glad you didn’t give up on this topic?

Now, think about some activity in your life that turned out to be harder than you initially thought, but you stuck with it and you’re glad you did. So tell me about it in the comments!

And one more thing: notice that I’m saying things like “I will stick with it”, or “I stuck with it”. Stick and stuck are the main verbs in those sentences.

It’s a different thing to say “I am stuck with it“. In this case, stuck is the past participle of stick.

Example: I am stuck with this crappy car. I spent all my money on it, and it is crap.

Now I can’t buy a new car, and I can’t sell ’cause nobody wants to buy it. I am stuck with it.

It has become a burden; something undesirable that I can’t get rid of.

Another example: I got some takeaway food on my way home, but when I opened the bag I had the wrong order! Worst of all, it was food I didn’t like.

I called the restaurant and they were already closed. So now I am hungry and  stuck with this food that I don’t like.

So tell me about how you stuck with something and it paid off. Talk to you next time!

Key expressions

to stick with it / I stuck with it
I am stuck with it


it was that bad = foi ruim demais, ou pra você ver o tanto que estava ruim

straightforward = simples de entender ou fazer

take a stab at something = tentar realizar algo

it paid off = o resultado valeu a pen