Hi, all.

Hoje eu falo sobre estimativas (dois idioms super comuns! Não perca!)

Hi, all. You're listening to the new episode of the Inglês Online podcast. Thank you for telling everyone you know about this podcast and enjoy!

So let's talk a little bit about the word estimate. That's e-s-t-i-m-a-t-e. Take notice of the pronunciation: estimate. An estimate is an approximate calculation; you could say it's an educated guess most of the time. Most of the time, not all of the time... sometimes people make an estimate and it's just a wild guess.

Everyone has had to make estimates in their lives. When you're about to go on a journey to your weekend destination, you make an estimate of how long the journey is going to take based on the weather, traffic reports, the distance to be traveled and so on.

Here are two very common ways in which the word estimate is used: the first one is combined with the word rough. If someone tells you they have a rough estimate of something, they are forewarning you that this estimate is really just an approximation and a better estimate could be made using additional information.

Usually you make a rough estimate when someone wants an answer or a number in that moment, and you don't have all the information needed for that calculation on hand. So you just use whatever you know and... or remember in that moment, and tell them "Well, my rough estimate is XYZ. That's a rough number, a rough estimate. Later today when I'm around my computer I'll be able to make a better guess."

Here's another one: a ballpark estimate. A ballpark is a stadium where games are played that involve a ball. Ballpark estimate is a slang expression; it's another way of saying, you know, "it's an approximate number" or even "it's a rough estimate."    

Here's an example: you take your car to the mechanic because it's been making a strange noise. The mechanic tells you he's going to look into it this afternoon. You ask him "How much is this going to be?" and he says "There's no way I can tell you right now" and you insist: "Please give me a ballpark estimate", and he says "In the 400, 500 range."

That's a ballpark estimate. Another example: your best friend says she's throwing a party in the next few months and it is obviously very important that you be there, because it will be a party in your honour. But... you're planning your annual vacation, and you're about to start booking hotels for next month - so you absolutely need to have at least a ballpark estimate of the date to make sure that you're not going to be away on that date.

You ask your friend and she says she doesn't know yet. That's her answer, "I don't know." So you go ahead and explain to her that you're looking into hotels for the next few weeks, and say "If you can't give me an exact date, give me a ballpark estimate." Give me a date that is in the ballpark. Give me something, so I at least have some idea!

Now, listen to the verb we can use when we make an estimate - the verb is estimate. You make an estimate, and you estimate something. Can you estimate how many people work on the same floor with you? Can you estimate how many times you have brushed your teeth since the day you were born? Can you estimate how many hairs you have on your head? Just a ballpark estimate, c'mon :-)

Let me know in the comments what you've come up with, and talk to you next time!

Key expressions

a rough estimate
a ballpark estimate
estimate (verb)


educated guess = um palpite feito com base em algum conhecimento e dados (e que provavelmente está correto)

Hi, all.

Hoje eu falo sobre estimativas (dois idioms super comuns! Não perca!)


Hi, all. You’re listening to the new episode of the Inglês Online podcast. Thank you for telling everyone you know about this podcast and enjoy!

So let’s talk a little bit about the word estimate. That’s e-s-t-i-m-a-t-e. Take notice of the pronunciation: estimate. An estimate is an approximate calculation; you could say it’s an educated guess most of the time. Most of the time, not all of the time… sometimes people make an estimate and it’s just a wild guess.

Everyone has had to make estimates in their lives. When you’re about to go on a journey to your weekend destination, you make an estimate of how long the journey is going to take based on the weather, traffic reports, the distance to be traveled and so on.

Here are two very common ways in which the word estimate is used: the first one is combined with the word rough. If someone tells you they have a rough estimate of something, they are forewarning you that this estimate is really just an approximation and a better estimate could be made using additional information.

Usually you make a rough estimate when someone wants an answer or a number in that moment, and you don’t have all the information needed for that calculation on hand. So you just use whatever you know and… or remember in that moment, and tell them “Well, my rough estimate is XYZ. That’s a rough number, a rough estimate. Later today when I’m around my computer I’ll be able to make a better guess.”

Here’s another one: a ballpark estimate. A ballpark is a stadium where games are played that involve a ball. Ballpark estimate is a slang expression; it’s another way of saying, you know, “it’s an approximate number” or even “it’s a rough estimate.”    

Here’s an example: you take your car to the mechanic because it’s been making a strange noise. The mechanic tells you he’s going to look into it this afternoon. You ask him “How much is this going to be?” and he says “There’s no way I can tell you right now” and you insist: “Please give me a ballpark estimate”, and he says “In the 400, 500 range.”

That’s a ballpark estimate. Another example: your best friend says she’s throwing a party in the next few months and it is obviously very important that you be there, because it will be a party in your honour. But… you’re planning your annual vacation, and you’re about to start booking hotels for next month – so you absolutely need to have at least a ballpark estimate of the date to make sure that you’re not going to be away on that date.

You ask your friend and she says she doesn’t know yet. That’s her answer, “I don’t know.” So you go ahead and explain to her that you’re looking into hotels for the next few weeks, and say “If you can’t give me an exact date, give me a ballpark estimate.” Give me a date that is in the ballpark. Give me something, so I at least have some idea!

Now, listen to the verb we can use when we make an estimate – the verb is estimate. You make an estimate, and you estimate something. Can you estimate how many people work on the same floor with you? Can you estimate how many times you have brushed your teeth since the day you were born? Can you estimate how many hairs you have on your head? Just a ballpark estimate, c’mon :-)

Let me know in the comments what you’ve come up with, and talk to you next time!

Key expressions

a rough estimate
a ballpark estimate
estimate (verb)


educated guess = um palpite feito com base em algum conhecimento e dados (e que provavelmente está correto)