In-person conferences can be expensive. In addition to the ticket, there's also travel, hotels, and food. For freelance podcast editors, that can be a pretty big expense.

And now, with more concern about travel, we have to ask ourselves if it's worth it.

Of course, we can't answer that for you, but we did talk with Steve Stewart and Mark Deal of the Podcast Editors Club and Podcast Editor Academy about why it's worth it for them...and a few things we'd like to see tweaked.

Listen to DiscoverThe value we see in in-person conferences.Some hacks for getting out of our own way.Why the second conference is often better than the first.The value of volunteering.Some things we'd like to see tweaked.What we'd like to share with Jared and Dan of Podcast Movement.
Links & ResourcesPodcast Editor AcademyPodcast MovementPodfestHubspot Podcast Network
Guest Editor

This episode of the Podcast Editors Mastermind was edited by Bryan Entzminger of Top Tier Audio.

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Your Yetis AreDaniel Abendroth | Roth MediaJennifer Longworth | Bourbon Barrel PodcastingCarrie Caulfield Arick | YaYa PodcastingBryan Entzminger | Top Tier Audio
About the Podcast Editors Mastermind

The Podcast Editors Mastermind is for professional podcast editors who want to grow their business and get more clients. We’re creating a community of like-minded professionals that are passionate about the art and science of editing podcasts.

Our goal is to help you build your business by providing tools, resources, and support so you can focus on what matters most—your craft. This isn’t just another group where everyone talks about how great they are at podcast editing; we show our work!

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