Iszi Lawrence is an international stand up comedian from
Reading, England, a longtime podcaster and happily for us - today’s
Podcast Diva.

Podcasting since 2008 with Sundays Supplement – a
comedy podcast where Iszi and co-host Simon Dunn review the Sunday
Newspaper Supplements, Iszi launched The Z List
Dead List a podcast about obscure people from history in
September 2014.

In that time Iszi has produced hundreds of episodes and shares
her experience on why first and foremost you need to love your
podcast, what makes a good podcast, tips and advice for doing this
and much more in episode 16 of Podcast Divas, including: 

Where exactly is Reading and is it really better than
Two great reasons Iszi is well qualified for Podcast
The pointless purpose of the Sunday Supplements Podcast and 3
useful things about it
What was happening in 2008 that made Iszi think podcasting was
a good idea
Why you should be in the room with your cohost
How Iszi came to have 20 minutes of material on the scrotum
Why after 6 years of podcasting Iszi started a new podcast
about dead people from history
What the Z list dead list is
What a six foot tall bisexual sword fighting nun got up to and
other amazing characters from history
Research and the rules of the show
How to record a live show for a podcast episode
Why a podcast should be an end in itself and not the means to
something else
The beauty of podcasts over TV and Radio
Getting donations to cover your podcast costs
Podcast merchandising
Why Iszi dressed up as a Roman centurion in December by a lake
wearing headphones
British versus American views on working hard for success
Whether to record in batches and release in series

‘You have to do stuff as well as you can for the purpose of
doing it only.  Then if other stuff comes out of it,
brilliant, but if you’re doing it for something else and not for
it’s own thing, the love wont be there.  You’ll give up on it
very quickly’. 


Zoom H4N

Tips for podcasters and Divas-in-waiting

‘Bore yourself rigid and look at how to do sound and
editing, and this thing called multiband compression,
really understand that! Because the only thing that stops me giving
your podcast a listen is the sound quality’.

Do an idea that interests you – don’t worry if it interests
anybody else.

Give it your all.

‘Get a co-host who does all the editing!’ 

Iszi’s favorite episodes

Z List Dead List:

An English Country Garden Series 4 Episode 4 It’s very rude –
you’ve been warned.
Cornish Pastors – Series 1 Episode 1
En Garde: Attack of The Killer Nun - Series 5 Episode 1

‘There are opportunities, but the main reason I’m doing it
is because I want to make a nice show. If I did it for any other
reason it wouldn’t be a nice show….it is in itself a worthwhile
thing to do.’

Sundays Supplement

There are no good episodes according to Iszi – so definitely
check it out!

Where to find Iszi
and check out when and where Iszi’s live recordings are

‘If I can’t put headphones on and listen to you because I’m
constantly fiddling with the volume I’m not going to

Thank you

Thank you to Iszi Lawrence for being a wonderful guest and
Podcast Diva and to you for listening.

If you liked the show please let Iszi know, tell your friends
and leave a review on iTunes.  Cheers – Kathryn x