Amanda Cook is the fabulous featured Podcast Diva for episode 15. Amanda recently reached the 100th episode of The Wellpreneur Podcast - a weekly show on digital marketing and business inspiration and advice, especially for wellness entrepreneurs. 

‘What if I did a podcast, that could be fun.  That’s been the best decision!’

Reaching 100 episodes is a special milestone that deserves congratulations (and the title of Podcast Diva). It takes commitment and resilience to produce a podcast week after week. It also means Amanda knows what she’s talking about when it comes to podcasting, as you’ll hear in this episode as we talk about: 

Where the name Wellpreneur came from
How Amanda went from computer science to wellness coach
Amanda’s first podcast in 2005 – ‘How not to be dreadful’
How she came to start the podcast
The best decision Amanda made
Who Amanda’s audience and how does she know
The power of a Facebook group
Why you don’t want to be and perfect from the beginning
Content marketing the organic way
How to use Instagram as a key communication tool
Match your content to your ideal audience
How to effectively curate Instagram content
From podcasting to sale in Amanda’s business
The power of podcasting over blogging
The sponsorship dilemma
Sponsoring yourself
The links you need in your show notes and where to put them
One Instagram tip that will get you more subscriptions
The workflow
Why you don’t need to get hung up on hiring help
Play to your strengths
How listening to your episodes will help you find your voice
Show notes technique
The advantages of Zoom over Skype to record interviews
What podcasting has done for Amanda

 ‘I’ve got to do something, I’ve got to save myself,  I’m basically dying inside.’ 


Blue snowball microphone
Macbook pro
Zoom H2N (portable recorder) for travelling

‘There’s no way you can start out of the gate with everything perfect…until you start you don’t know what your audience wants.’

A favourite episode of your podcast

Episodes 43 – 45 are a part step by step series on how to hire an assistant.

‘Don’t let money be a limiting factor.’

A podcast diva you like listening to

On Being by Christa Tippit

Where to find Amanda Cook

At her website:


Fiverr -  for intros and outros
Upwork – for hiring people to do your editing, show notes etc
Trello – shared online project management tool
Zoom – video conference platform for recording a podcast

Thank you for listening

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