LaunchPod Media co-founders John Dinkel and Dee Kei Waddell and I talk about the confidence struggles many deal with before stepping on front of a microphone. What to do if someone has the same podcast title as you and how to step up your descriptions so your podcasts rank higher in Apple Podcast. 

LaunchPod Media’s podcasts have been featured by Apple Podcast 15 times and they have top shows in 13 countries. In this episode, they share how they successfully "game" their podcast analytics to grow their productions, so you can too.

DeeKai’s struggles with personal confidence before standing in front of the microphone.  “What Right Do I Have TO Do This? Imposter Syndrome Here's how to get your podcast feature, go to google, go to the question mark, enter in the thing, make sure you have 2 weeks of podcasts, submit.. Interact with people for 1 hour every day...about your special skill Christine's trademark / rss feed problem Upgrade your name...and do a two prong title.  For example: Podcast Coaching with Christine | Podcasting Made Easy Updated descriptions, easy to understand searchable titles, you are able to create consistent content; Apple tracks  what time and date you put it up. How do you know when a podcast is dead ? What is the purpose/mission statement of your podcast. You need to have goals. How do you guerrilla market your podcast? Linkedin is where all the podcasting badasses should be hanging out. The importance of the “5 star rating and review please”

Launch Your Podcast with Christine by singing up for her Signature Launch + Grow Program: CLICK HERE

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