Sails up mateys, and all hands on deck! Today we take to the seas and aim our good ship The Podcast Bay across the pond to the North Atlantic, where Rob will make the long journey to Detroit, Michigan to interrogate PodCaptain Kate Bryan of 1 Girl Revolution! A woman of great resolve and determination who not only runs a massive multimedia platform that consists of a podcast, a facebook page, twitter page and youtube channel, but to top it all off, she created a documentary called The Girl Inside, which was nominated for an Emmy! No small feat indeed! 1 Girl Revolution is a platform that dedicates itself to women and girls, and their heartfelt stories about the challenges they face, and wanting to bring about change in the world and have their voices heard. Kate is the right woman for the task, interviewing these women to hear their stories and what motivates them to realize their full potential! Also in today’s episode, Kate goes into detail about what drives her to do what she does, gives us the lowdown on her favorite recording gear, and divulges some behind the scenes information on her Emmy nominated documentary. To make things even more interesting, she even teases us with the fact that she has another documentary in the works! You won’t want to miss this one, me fellow pirates! So without further delay, sails down and man the oars! We’re about to make landfall and a wealth of information and entertainment is just waiting to be had!

In This Episode:

We discover that Kate has had success beyond her imagination with her podcast. It’s been going for over 3 years, with over 140 episodes, thinking she’d never get past 10! 1 Girl Revolution started out as an interview show, and has since evolved into a multiplatform outfit. Kate’s documentary, The Girl Inside, was nominated for an Emmy! She is a big fan of radio shows and interview shows, including crime stories. She is a deep thinker, believing in good versus evil and that the light always wins in the end. Kate tells us about the ups and downs of her hometown, Detroit. Kate informs us that she maintains relationships with and keeps in touch with a lot of the women she interviews. We learn about Kate’s unique style of interviewing her guests. Kate divulges that she worked in PR for many years and still continues to, in a part time capacity. She tells us that she was on the American talk show, Good Morning America! Kate reveals that she has another documentary in the works and lets us in on a little inside information about it. We get the run-down on Kate’s recording and production gear. We learn what’s in store for Kate and her platform in the future.



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