Being a podcast guest can be daunting when you first start out, but with a little preparation, you can not only manage your nerves but deliver an experience the host will remember.

Why does this matter?

When you take the time to make sure you deliver a great experience for the host and audience, you open the door for opportunities beyond the interview itself.

Our clients have been hired by hosts who were impressed by their ideas, invited to keynote at conferences and drummed up new business from their podcast appearances.

Taking these steps, you can create a long-lasting impression that helps you achieve your mission.

In this episode of Podcast Ally, our founder Brigitte Lyons and account lead Sam Brake Guia take you through what it takes to be an outstanding guest.

Listen to learn:

[10:53] Why show notes are an important tool for interview/pitch prep
[12:09] Why stories will help you have more impactful podcast interviews
[17:54] What the perfect equipment setup looks like for a high-quality interview
[22:19] How to take an interview in the direction you want to take it
[27:58] The one faux pas you absolutely don’t want to make with a podcast host
Many more top tips about how to be a great podcast guest

Find all the resources shared in this episode at