
Sunday 2021-01-24

January 24, 2021 01:00 - 21 minutes - 28.2 MB

Sunday 2021-01-17

January 17, 2021 01:00 - 22 minutes - 27.6 MB

Sunday 2021-01-10

January 10, 2021 01:00 - 25 minutes - 32.9 MB

Sunday 2021-01-03

January 03, 2021 01:00 - 26 minutes - 34.1 MB

Sunday 2020-12-27

December 27, 2020 01:00 - 22 minutes - 29 MB

Sunday 2020-12-20

December 20, 2020 01:00 - 21 minutes - 28.1 MB

Sunday 2020-12-13

December 13, 2020 01:00 - 22 minutes - 30.4 MB

Sunday 2020-12-06

December 06, 2020 01:00 - 32 minutes - 42.5 MB

Sunday 2020-11-29

November 29, 2020 01:00 - 24 minutes - 32.8 MB

Sunday 2020-11-22

November 22, 2020 01:00 - 25 minutes - 34 MB

Sunday 2020-11-15

November 15, 2020 01:00 - 27 minutes - 35.3 MB

Sunday 2020-11-08

November 08, 2020 01:00 - 12 minutes - 16.8 MB

Sunday 2020-11-01

November 01, 2020 01:00 - 14 minutes - 19 MB

Sunday 2020-10-25

October 25, 2020 01:00 - 28 minutes - 36.1 MB

Sunday 2020-10-18

October 18, 2020 01:00 - 25 minutes - 33.5 MB

Sunday 2020-10-11

October 11, 2020 01:00 - 18 minutes - 25.5 MB

Sunday 2020-10-04

October 04, 2020 01:00 - 18 minutes - 24.9 MB

Sunday 2020-09-27

September 27, 2020 02:00 - 19 minutes - 24.7 MB

Sunday 2020-09-13

September 13, 2020 02:00 - 13 minutes - 18.2 MB

1) We need to listen to where God wants us to go John 10:27 "My sheep listen to my voice; I know them and they follow me." 2) We need to be obedient to God's plan for us Isaiah 6:8 "Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"" 3) We need to trust God in His plans for our life

Sunday 2020-09-06

September 06, 2020 02:00 - 26 minutes - 37 MB

Sunday 2020-08-30

August 30, 2020 02:00 - 25 minutes - 34.6 MB

1. As a Christian I'm called to minister to others 1 Peter 2:9 But You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that You may declare the praises of Him who called You out of darkness into His wonderful light. 2. As I grow I realise ministry comes from surrender Matthew 26:39 Going a little farther, He fell with His face to the ground and prayer, "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as You will." 3. As I...

Sunday 2020-08-23

August 23, 2020 02:00 - 16 minutes - 20.9 MB

1. Jesus is where we place our trust 2. Jesus influences the shape of our life 3. Jesus leads us into God's community

Sunday 2020-08-16

August 16, 2020 02:00 - 17 minutes - 24 MB

Luke 19:10 "The Son of Man has come to seek and to give life to those who are lost." Luke 18:41 "What do You want me to do for You?" 1. Accept responsibility for my own failure. Proverbs 28:13 "You will never succeed in life if you try to hide your sins. Confess them and give them up; then God will show mercy to You." 2. Stop regretting and start repenting when I fail. Proverbs 20:30 "Sometimes it takes a painful experience to make us change our ways." 3. Forget the former and focus on th...

Sunday 2020-08-09

August 09, 2020 02:00 - 25 minutes - 32.8 MB

1. To keep my heart soft I need to receive God's Love 1 John 4:10 "This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins." 2. To keep my heart soft I need to receive God's healing Malachi 4:2: But for You who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays." 3. To keep my heart soft I need to continually humble myself Revelation 4 "...the twenty-four elders fall down before Him who sits on the throne and w...

Sunday 2020-08-02

August 02, 2020 02:00 - 25 minutes - 37.1 MB

Sunday 2020-07-26

July 26, 2020 02:00 - 20 minutes - 27.6 MB

Sunday 2020-07-19

July 19, 2020 02:00 - 32 minutes - 46.1 MB

Sunday 2020-07-12

July 12, 2020 02:00 - 19 minutes - 35 MB

Sharing God's Heart

Sunday 2020-07-05

July 05, 2020 02:00 - 20 minutes - 26.8 MB

Sunday 2020-06-28

June 28, 2020 02:00 - 21 minutes - 27 MB

Sunday 2020-06-21

June 21, 2020 02:00 - 29 minutes - 40.3 MB

Sunday 2020-06-14

June 14, 2020 02:00 - 20 minutes - 26.8 MB

Sunday 2020-06-07

June 07, 2020 02:00 - 19 minutes - 26.4 MB

On the Front Foot

Sunday 2020-05-31

May 31, 2020 02:00 - 16 minutes - 20.4 MB

Sunday 2020-05-24

May 24, 2020 02:00 - 18 minutes - 25.2 MB

Sunday 2020-05-17

May 17, 2020 02:00 - 14 minutes - 9.88 MB

Sunday 2020-05-10

May 10, 2020 02:00 - 57 minutes - 38.9 MB

Sunday 2020-05-03

May 03, 2020 02:00 - 16 minutes - 21.7 MB

Sunday 2020-04-26

April 26, 2020 02:00 - 18 minutes - 23.7 MB

Sunday 2020-04-19

April 19, 2020 02:00 - 14 minutes - 18.5 MB

Sunday 2020-04-12 Easter Sunday

April 12, 2020 02:00 - 15 minutes - 19.4 MB

Friday 2020-04-10 Good Friday

April 10, 2020 02:00 - 16 minutes - 21.3 MB

Sunday 2020-04-05

April 05, 2020 02:00 - 13 minutes - 18.3 MB

Sunday 2020-03-29

March 29, 2020 01:00 - 14 minutes - 18.8 MB

Sunday 2020-03-22

March 22, 2020 01:00 - 19 minutes - 26.6 MB

Sunday 2020-03-15

March 15, 2020 01:00 - 30 minutes - 40.9 MB

1. Victory comes when we use our sword enthusiastically James 1:25 "Truly happy people are those who carefully study God's perfect laws that makes people free and they continue to study it." 2. Victory comes when we use our sword with commitment Ezra 7:10 "For Ezra had devoted himself to the study and observance of the Law of the Lord, and to teaching its decrees and laws in Israel." 3. Victory comes when we use our sword humbly Psalm 25:9 "He guides the humble in what is right and teaches ...

Sunday 2020-03-08

March 08, 2020 01:00 - 25 minutes - 34.2 MB

Sunday 2020-03-01

March 01, 2020 01:00 - 14 minutes - 19.7 MB

Sunday 2020-02-16

February 16, 2020 02:00 - 19 minutes - 25.5 MB

1. God Wants To Have A Relationship With You "Now this is eternal life: that men may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent." John 17:3 2. Sin Prevents Us From Having That Relationship "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Romans 3:23 "For the wages of sin is death." Romans 6:23a 3. Jesus Came So That Sin Could Be Removed "For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God," 1 Peter 3:18a :Jesus said: 'I...

Sunday 2020-02-09

February 09, 2020 01:00 - 25 minutes - 23.1 MB

Jesus Came From Those He Came For 1. Jesus Is Comfortable In The Messy Places Matthew 23:27-28 “Alas for you, you hypocritical scribes and Pharisees! You are like white-washed tombs, which look fine on the outside but inside are full of dead men’s bones and all kinds of rottenness. For you appear like good men on the outside—but inside you are a mass of pretence and wickedness.” 2. Jesus Is Not Afraid Of Our Mess Isaiah 61:1-3 “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because ...