IN this special episode of Podaganda journalists Ben Cowles and Steve Sweeney present the Morning Star’s fringe meeting, the Media War on Labour, at Labour Party Conference in Brighton last week.

Speakers include:

Carolyn Jones, vice-chair of the Morning Star’s management committee (2:23) Morning Star Editor Ben Chacko (6:22) Shadow home secretary Diane Abbott (13:00) Shadow chancellor John McDonnell (24:11) Communication Workers’ Union (CWU) general secretary Dave Ward (34:09) Bob Oram, chair of the Morning Star management committee (41:24) Unite general secretary Len McCluskey (42:02) Salma Yaqoob, Labour mayoral candidate for West Midlands Metro (55:20) Shadow justice secretary Ricard Burgon (1:04:33) RMT general secretary Mick Cash (1:17:59) Scottish Labour leader Richard Leonard (1:1:25:00)


Brace yourself for profoundly left-wing views and some bad language


Show notes

Follow Podaganda, Ben Cowles and Steve Sweeney on Twitter via: @PodagandaCast, @Cowlesz and @SweeneySteve.