Ben Cowles and Steve Sweeney were unable to record a show this week, due mainly to life and work getting in the way.

And so Podaganda would like to present The World Transformed’s Crimes for Humanity panel at the Labour Party Conference from a couple of weeks ago.


In this brilliant conference that Ben went to, the awesome panelists discuss how Europe has treated them as criminals for saving migrant and refugee lives. The speakers include:


Sean Binder  Anouk Van Gestal Haidi Sadik Ben Smoke Jeremy Corbyn


Show notes

Just to be clear, Podaganda nor our employer the Morning Star had anything to do with this event. All Ben did was show up with his dictaphone and press record. 


Be sure to check out The World Transformed and all the awesome work they do:


Follow Podaganda, Ben Cowles and Steve Sweeney on Twitter via: @PodagandaCast, @Cowlesz and @SweeneySteve.