Why do so many podcasters fail?

There are a number of factors that can contribute to a podcaster pulling the plug on their show in the very early stages.

Many times, new podcasters enter the fray with unrealistic expectations about podcasting being easy and the whole world showing up to listen just because a new episode was published.

In addition, new podcasters often get fixated on download metrics and believe this is the only way to gauge success for their show.

Sometimes, podcasters get overwhelmed with the amount of work it takes to manage and maintain a podcast, meaning they didn't properly plan time into their schedule to carry out the tasks of production, communication, and promotion.

And in some instances, new podcast creators venture too far outside their zone of genius and try to create content that doesn't excite them or doesn't speak to their target audience, causing them to become disengaged, burnt out, and unhappy with the act of creating new content.

These are just a few potential reasons why someone may abandon their podcast efforts...

...and each of these items could've been avoided if these creators took time to establish a winning mindset before they ever pressed record.

Episode 008 of Solo Podcasting Simplified features your first dose of Podcast Therapy! I'll be airing these therapy sessions weekly to help you with various aspects of podcasting. In the premiere installment, I'm zeroing in on what I feel is the most important element of successful podcasting: establishing the right mindset.

Click here for this episode's feature blog post, resources, and more

Thank you for being part of the Podcast Theory experience! Past seasons of this podcast include:

Season 1: 125 episodes of podcasting tips and strategies (known as Pod Theory)
Season 2: Debunking Myths & Misconceptions of Podcasting (known as Pod Theory)
Season 3: A Deep Look at Solo Podcasting (known as Solo Podcasting Simplified)
Season 4: The Debut Season of Podcast Theory - COMING SPRING 2024!

Get hands-on, comprehensive assistance with your podcast efforts. From developing your ideas to taking production off your plate, we've got you covered at Bombtrack Media! Click here to learn more

Current Theme Music courtesy of Alex Grohl via pixabay.com

Podcast Theory is A Bombtrack Media Production