Doomsday Jeremy is competing in the 2022 Scott Fish Bowl (for NFL Fantasy Football)! You probably don't care about his fantasy football team, but we encourage you to care about the charity he is raising pledges and donations for: A Mother's Love Initiative. We encourage you to check it out and donate to a great cause! For more information, please reach out to Doomsday on Twitter!

Sam and James carry on while Justyn drinks beer in Munich! Minnesota United are not in the greatest of form, but that doesn't matter because today we're debuting a competitive trivia game with The Daves I Know!

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Order is Random
I have 10 categories, each corresponding with a number 1-10
Your first objective is to match a category with its corresponding number
The player who correctly matches a category with its number: A) Gets a point AND B) Gets to guess first
The second objective is to correctly identify the soccer clubs within the category: Players take turn guessing. When a player makes an incorrect guess, they are eliminated from the category
A category is closed once: A) All items within the category are guessed correctly OR B) All players have been eliminated from the category
We play until all categories are closed


CONCACAF W Championship Winning Nations Since ‘91
EPL Teams Based in London
French Champions in the Past 10 Seasons (Men's)
Men’s World Cup Winning Nations
MLS Clubs Playing in NFL Stadiums
MLS Clubs Who Played Their First MLS Game AFTER the 2017 Season
Non-MLS Clubs to Win the US Open Cup Since ‘96
Original MLS Clubs Still in Operation
Women’s World Cup Winning Nations

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