Doomsday Jeremy is competing in the 2022 Scott Fish Bowl (for NFL Fantasy Football)! You probably don't care about his fantasy football team, but we encourage you to care about the charity he is raising pledges and donations for: A Mother's Love Initiative. We encourage you to check it out and donate to a great cause! For more information, please reach out to Doomsday on Twitter!

Justyn and Sam are here to recap some doom-and-gloom while James doesn't have internet. Topics for today include:

Sam went back-to-teaching
Justyn completed coding bootcamp and is headed to Munich
How are the Loons doing?
A mostly-good week for Minnesota sports fans, a mostly-sucky week for Wisconsin sports fans, an awful week for Cheesehead Loons
What do we do without Bongi?
The loss at Portland
England, the Monarchy, and Prime Minister elections

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