Previous Episode: Damage Factors
Next Episode: Building Fudge Games

I start off by responding to a listener question left on our voicemail at (661) 368-5306 by Johnathan Snyder, who is also one of my Patreon supporters.

Hey, this is Jonathan author of Blood in Space. Hey, I was just listening to your last podcast about the damage factors and just wanted to bring up your response about adding different things in with the damage factors, like taking consideration of a fantasy type game where you know certain things are more immune to certain types of attacks, a lot like what the D20 system does, I was wondering what your thoughts are on how something like that could be implemented. I know I put together one a while ago. But yeah, that's just pretty much my thought that came to mind when I was listening to your podcast and was wanting to see if you ever want to cover your opinion on modify the damage factors to take any more fantasy setting with monster immunity and so forth like that. So yeah, thanks. I really appreciate your podcast and what you doing as University and I really hope you continue up. I'm continuing to support you and look forward to your next podcast. This is Johnson. I'll talk to you later. Bye.
Transcribed by Google Voice cleaned up by Me.

I also talk a bit about the Shadowrun Runners Hub and Emerald Grid, which are really neat solutions to the Looking For Group problem faced by gamers. I floated the idea of a similar setup for Fudge, but as many people pointed out the community isn't quite there yet. Still, I might try something in the vein in the future.

Then the episode moves on to cover some considerations for running long term campaigns with the Fudge system. In the last podcast I asked if folks liked terms like Fudge Master instead of just Game Master, and alot of the feedback showed that there was a real blowback against not just that, but also things like calling your game Fudge X or X Fudge and trying to be cute. I think alot of this has to do with the overall criticism the system receives that its more suited for one-shots and convention games than for serious play. In this episode I discuss the +1 Problem, the issues with the default XP system, and ways to allow for character development without focusing on simply raising attributes and skills. I also throw in a new money-instead-of-XP idea I've been working on.

Please reach out to me with your Fudge (or Fate/Icons) Pages, Podcasts, Content, and Blogs. I'm going to create Podcast, Resource, and Blogroll pages for them to act as a central resource.

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