Norton Healthcare’s Plugged in to Nursing is the podcast that celebrates and informs the profession of nursing.

This Episode - Workforce Development

Episode Summary

In this episode, Alli Overfield, RN, discusses career support with Workforce Development’s director, Donnie Humphrey, RN. For nearly 20 years, Norton Healthcare’s Workforce Development department has provided growth opportunities through numerous avenues. We can all agree, education, plus experience, provides a solid foundation for workforce readiness. Listen to the types of support offered to you as a student, or you as an employee, related to career coaching and financial assistance, all while keeping your career goals in mind. At Norton Healthcare, we invest in you!



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About Norton Healthcare’s Center for Nursing Practice

Norton Healthcare’s Center for Nursing Practice is responsible for readying student nurses for practice and transitioning new graduate nurses into practice.  Our team is committed to serving the profession of nursing, meeting people where they are and taking them to where they want to be.


Contact Information:  [email protected]