Norton Healthcare’s Plugged in to Nursing is the podcast that celebrates and informs the profession of nursing.

This Episode:

Substance Use: Providing Optimal Care

In this episode, our hosts Alli Overfield and Nick Smart talk with Matt LaRocco who is the Harm Reduction Manager leading the Harm Reduction Program at Norton Hospital.  Marginalized populations such as those who engage is substance use or misuse, may bring with them a unique set of circumstances or experiences that can require a thoughtful approach from those who deliver care.  Matt talks in depth about considerations related to providing excellent care to all patients, and the unique and successful approach adopted by Norton Hospital through its Harm Reduction Program.


About Norton Healthcare’s Center for Nursing Practice

Norton Healthcare’s Center for Nursing Practice is responsible for readying student nurses for practice and transitioning new graduate nurses into practice.  Our team is committed to serving the profession of nursing, meeting people where they are and taking them to where they want to be.

Want to know more about Norton Healthcare’s Center for Nursing Practice or the topic of this episode?  Contact us by e-mail at:   [email protected]