Vanessa Campbell was born and raised in Caracas, Venezuela. She graduated from college in 2011 and in 2014 decided to move to the U.S. to start a new life by herself in Florida. In 2020 she began modeling for HABIT magazine and immediately fell in love with them. In 2021 she purchased the magazine company, became their CEO, and has been part of a team that developed a whole new identity for them.


Have you checked out It is a social media platform where adults can be adults. We created the 7 Worlds of PleazeMe so that every person would have a place to privately explore their sexuality with like-minded people. We believe in love, sexuality, and the power of inclusion. People of all shapes and sizes, colors and ethnicities, genders and sexualities are valuable and deserve to feel included. Everyone should have a safe place they can go to connect, discover and express themselves without fear of being judged, censored or discriminated against.