Episode 4 is here!

In this episode, "Where to Draw the Line", I talk about music, and introduce the concept of nonlinear media.

Some things to look forward to this time: A Final Fantasy X rant, the merits of virtual radio, and a Russian composer very much out of his element.


This is the kind of series you can listen to out of order, but I’d recommend listening to the first episode at some point. It explains why this podcast exists, and was a lot of fun to make.


And this time, I have only a few links, to soundtracks I really admire:

- Supergiant Games' Youtube Channel, as I said, has all their music, which is great by itself, and even better in-game.

- Katamari has a prolific soundtrack, which spans multiple genres, and is designed to be listened to outside of the game (they're released as albums too)