And with three episodes, we have formed a pattern!

In this third episode, "An Ode to Gibberish", I talk about voice and character identity.

Some things to look forward to this time: Visual psychology transposed to audio, ideas for new VR games, and a lot of little blipping noises.


This is the kind of series you can listen to out of order, but I’d recommend listening to the first episode at some point. It explains why this podcast exists, and was a lot of fun to make.


And this time, for the more curious listeners, I have quite a few links.

- For the full Charles Martinet interview I sampled, click here.

- For a playable version of Colossal Cave Adventure, click here. As the precursor to all interactive storytelling, it deserves to be played just for that. It's also pretty fun.

- I only talk about Nevermind briefly, but the studio and concept are worth checking out. Here's more information on them.