Christine Calvert has worked with writing and communication for 30 years as a copywriter, a global web editor, lecturer and college professor.

As Norway’s only Text Doctor, she was voted as 2019 best keynote speaker by Confex, holds tons of communication courses, written two books about writing and is working on her third book, as we speak.

In this episode, we talk about:

Our mutual love of books
How brands can make themselves more human
Why corporate B.S. can make your brand boring and what to do about it
The story behind her signature golden shoes
How anything can be interesting if you find the right angle
Why writing to yourself is a mistake and why you should write to a persona instead
How to find your own voice and make it heard
Why the customer journey is a misnomer - there's no such thing as a linear buying process

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You can connect with Jennifer on Linked In and Twitter @jenniferlund

You can connect with Christine Calvert on LinkedIn or email her at [email protected].