In this episode, Yvonne and Troy discuss:

Troy’s 3 Degrees and how those experiences have prepared him for the current work he does. The similarities between being a pilot and an entrepreneur. The power of repetition, repetition, repetition until whatever you are doing for your business is natural to you. Troy’s definition of play and fulfillment. Taking time to capture the experience and use that in your marketing. How SoTellUs can help you and your business!

Key Takeaways:

There’s a Sequence and The Science to a Winning Irresistible Offer Learning how to be laser focused and detail oriented on your goals If you can’t see the vision, then your team can’t execute the vision. It’s not about the money – it’s about that moment when you see how you were able to change someone’s life for the better. Reviews are a goldmine that can be used to build and expand your business. Everybody needs success stories no matter what business you’re in.

“Work has to be fun. If you’re doing what you really love, and if you’re really helping people out there, it’s going to be fun. It’s not going to be work, it’s going to be a lot of fun to do what you’re doing.” ~ Troy Howard


Resources from Troy Howard:

Referenced Documentary: Billion Dollar Bully


 Connect with Troy Howard:

Facebook Page: Troy Howard SoTellUs  LinkedIn: Troy Howard


About Troy Howard:

Troy Howard’s passion for combining technology and marketing has been a driving force in his life, leading him from selling yellow page ads to an executive of a publicly traded company, and ultimately an entrepreneur.

Troy started his sales and marketing career as a project manager for YP.Com, one of the largest online directories producing nearly $100 million in revenue annually. Over the next few years Troy moved up in the company to Vice President of Operations and Marketing managing a 300 person sales force that generated over 8,000 new clients each month.

Eventually Troy left the corporate world and started several successful marketing companies including WebForce Pro and onTop local which have helped thousands of small business owners around the world dominate their competition online and drive record growth in their businesses by disrupting the idea of traditional online marketing.

Troy’s current project and passion is another industry disruptor in online reviews. He launched SoTellUs, the world’s only review platform that let’s businesses instantly collect video, audio and written reviews from their customers using an app on a smartphone or tablet. The very best reviews are automatically marketed online for the businesses’ through their website, social media sites and search engines. This combination of video reviews and automated review marketing has started to change the review industry as we know it.  

Connect with Yvonne L. Larson:

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Yvonne L Larson


About Yvonne L. Larson:

Message from The 3 Muses & The Vitality Vixen’s Bio! >> CLICK HERE!