In this episode, Shanna Skidmore and I discuss overcoming obstacles and what to do when you fail. Stay till the end for bonus tax hacks! Are you in? Hit play!

Meet Shana:

Shanna Skidmore is former fortune 100 financial advisor turned business consultant, educator, and international speaker with clients and students in more than 26 countries. Nicknamed the “dream–releaser” by her clients, she’s helped business owners around the world build lives and businesses they love! Her greatest joy in life (besides being a wife and mama), is helping others chase after their dreams.

After working alongside thousands of creative entrepreneurs, Shanna took the most confusing, frustrating, frequently asked (and frequently wine-and-tears accompanied) business concepts—financial planning, strategy, scale, mindset—and simplified them. With a background in finance, psychology, and art she has successfully married the world of business and creativity, and now uses her 15+ years of experience to teach and consult with business owners around the world through her signature program, The Blueprint Model.