Is it time to make a pivot in your business? Now more than ever before, I’m evaluating my current circumstances, what I feel passionate about, and what path will lead me to where I want to go. Have you done the same? I encourage you to tune into this conversation with Event Planners and Educators, Teissia and Alia of The Firefly Method (previously known as Firefly Events) about their path to success and how leaning into their intuition led to huge pivots in their lives and business.

After 10 years of hustling and growing their business, Firefly Events was named top planners by Vogue Magazine, Harper’s Bazaar, Martha Stewart and The Knot. Over the last few years Teissia and Alia have pivoted their business to offer the much-needed guidance and experience to planners trying to make it in the wedding industry with The Firefly Method. These ladies are the real deal when it comes to wedding industry expertise and their open-book attitude.

Hit play to learn how to make room for more magic and lean into the little voice that is telling you it’s time to make a change.