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The Dave Bowman Show

1,042 episodes - English - Latest episode: 12 days ago - ★★★★★ - 9 ratings

After relocating to the PACNORWEST, Dave continues his look at the news, politics, trends, history, religion, sports and even entertainment of the day...

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CT - Double Trouble

March 01, 2019 18:00

The prohibition on double jeopardy extends back in human history at least the Roman era. It’s covered in Greek law, the Talmud and of course, English Common Law. In the United States, the concept of dual sovereignty has been the guiding rule since 1847. The general idea is that the Federal government and the State Governments are both “sovereign” and therefore the prohibition on double jeopardy doesn’t apply. If the State prosecutes a person and then the Federal Government also prosecutes fo...

Air Independent Propulsion

February 28, 2019 18:51

A very unprepared Dave, who has spent most of the last few hours trying to get a company to give a W-2 to his daughter, discovers that Pakistan has an AIP submarine that is capable of launching anti-ship Cruise Missiles

Atomic Chicken

February 27, 2019 20:00

As most Americans drive themselves into a tizzy over a morally bankrupt lawyer “testifying” to a group of ethically challenged attention whores, most of the rest of the world is a bit more concerned about two nuclear-armed countries shooting at each other over a disputed region and the behavior of a bunch of PLRI terrorists. I’m just saying that one is actually important, the other… meh… not so much. Especially since what you think about Cohen “testimony” says more about your political bias ...

Means to an Ends

February 27, 2019 01:00

!CONTENT WARNING! This show contains a frank and detailed discussion of adult materials, situations, language and possibly humor. If you are potentially offended by such discussions DO NOT LISTEN TO THIS EPISODE If you do listen and are offended, it is YOUR fault, as you have been properly and appropriately warned. It is a debate as old as human governments – do the ends justify the means? Most people will quickly say, “No!” But more often the reality is that we accept that the ends, as l...

Drafting Equality

February 25, 2019 18:00

A Federal Court has ruled that the Selective Service System is unconstitutional. Not because the Draft is an unfair, inequitable and abused system that violated the most basic of American ideals of Liberty, but because it was single-sexed. The exclusion of women from the system, declared the Federal Court system, makes it unconstitutional. Look, I am no 60’s anti-war protestor, but I agree. The Draft system is a bad idea and flies in the face of what libertarianism holds dear: personal respo...

CT - The Occasioning of Two Mobs

February 22, 2019 02:55

NOTE: Yes, there is an audio issue in the introduction. It goes away at the end of the intro. Sorry, Dave refused to wear headphones tonight… – Producer Henri. In a world where people still believe that the Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a real thing, where SNOPES “fact checks” the Babylon Bee, where Saints fans still believe that it was all a plot against them, the whole Jussie Smollett story has been labeled as “weird” by the local news personality. It is a huge conversational buffalo...

The Coming Week

February 17, 2019 16:23

As I mentioned on the FRIDAY Show, (the relevant part is in the audio above) I will be out all this week. It would have been last week, but SNOWMAGEDDON 2019 pretty much shut down the entire Puget Sound area, and while it’s supposed to rain a bit this week, it won’t be the foot of snow we had last week. which means kids will be in school (except for Monday) and things will be calm enough for me to get some things done. On the chance that you haven’t caught the Friday show yet, I have several...

The Greatest National Emergency Ever

February 15, 2019 17:37

The President has declared his National Emergency. The Speaker of the House has announced her intentions and things she is “considering” in response. At the end of the day, with what are we left? There are possibilities here which could be restorative to liberty, but I doubt that any of the so-called “Leaders” involved have any clue about those possibilities. And so we watch the drama play out on our televisions and wonder whether or not any of this will make any difference? After the regu...

CT - The Freedom of Association

February 14, 2019 22:00

The City of Los Angeles passed an ordinance that requires all contractors to “disclose” all of their contacts and sponsorships (whatever that means) with the National Rifle Association. In Delaware, a man wants to apply to be a Judge on the State Bench. But, Delaware has a law that says that he is not qualified to be a Judge. Why not? Because he chooses to not associate with certain “approved” groups. At the end of the day, the real question is why do governments continue to pass laws that t...

From One Generation To Another

February 12, 2019 19:37

I cannot pinpoint the exact day that I fell in love with ships and the sea. But I can tell you that in my journey, there were three ships that really captured my soul. The USS Wahoo, the USS Hornet, and the USS South Dakota. The Navy has a tradition of naming new ships for previous ships. Thus the second Hornet started life as the USS Kearsarge. A name carried on today by an amphibious carrier. The Wahoo had a second boat named for her, but until this past week, none of the three had a curren...

Day Four

February 11, 2019 19:00

It’s Day 4 of Snowmageddon 2019. Schools are closed. Banks are closed. McDonald’s is closed. Starbucks is open. It’s full of beautiful scenes and long ago memories of my misbegotten youth. But it’s Day 4… and I am ready for this to be over… One of the things about being cooped up in a snowstorm is that I have time to read stuff that I would otherwise ignore. Because of this, I learned that Jeff Bezos and I have something in common. Unfortunately, it isn’t our tax bracket. But ultimately we...


February 08, 2019 18:48

And so it begins… Snowmageddon 2019, the Storm of the Century is upon us here in the PACNORWEST! Major League Baseball has announced a change in nomenclature. Traditional words are now verboten, as it is believed that I am too much of a snowflake to handle the traditional verbiage. The DAV (Disabled American Veterans) was there for me when I needed them. My Grandfather had been a life member of the DAV, and it was they who showed up to his funeral to deliver the 21 gun salute to a Veteran ...

A Contemporary Frosty Enmity

February 06, 2019 19:00

Under no circumstances will I discuss anything that I might directly know about what I believe to be CLASSIFIED information. That said, there are a great number of open sources of information from which we can draw inferences if not outright facts. So when it comes to the INF Treaty and the Trump Administrations announcement that the United States will pull out of the 1987 Treaty, what can we infer? Did the neo-Soviet Russians violate the INF treaty? Does the US leaving the INF treaty actua...

The State of the Union Is...?

February 05, 2019 19:14

I’ve made it clear that when people tell me what the believe, religiously speaking, I almost never believe them. That is doubly so when it happens to be a politician telling me about their faith. These are people who by nature, manipulate truth and speak in terms and phrases that are calculated to make it seem as they said exactly what you wanted to hear them say. So whether it’s Donald Trump or Bill Clinton carrying a big black Bible into a church on a Sunday and the camera’s just “happen” ...

Not Guilty

February 02, 2019 01:30

In Baltimore last week, Marilyn Mosby, the Prosecutor for the City of Baltimore, MD, announced that she will no longer pursue cases for marijuana offenses. Now… the BPD disagrees with the new policy and have made it clear that the arrests will continue. This disagreement seems to call the entire purpose of the policy into question, but it also raises bigger questions. One of which hearkens back to one of the most sensational trials of the mid-1800s. Back in 1865, something happened in Spring...

The Tryal of William Penn

January 31, 2019 19:30

The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it. – ARTICLE I, SECTION 9, CLAUSE 2 In Alabama, a man with a long record of violent criminal activity found himself on trial for armed robbery. The trial lasted two days and seemed pretty much slam dunk for the government. Then the jury began to deliberate. And deliberate. After three hours, they sent a note to the Judge letting him know that they w...

What Is Red?

January 30, 2019 18:45

“What is Spain?” Yossarian once famously asked. Just think about it for a second. What IS Spain? A Country? an idea? A people? What is red? Scientists tell us that light reflected at specific wavelengths is what we perceive as color. But how do we KNOW that what I perceive as “red” is exactly the same thing that you perceive as “red?” The answer may surprise you. So given that it is actually impossible to know that what I see as red is what you see as red, why are we surprised that we perc...

Bread & Circuses

January 29, 2019 18:44

This is what is called, “the show must go on.” I don’t actually know why, but like the Fox Network’s not so live version of rent, I feel the need to sit down and chat about things that matter to me. With almost no sleep last night, tremendous pain and a busy schedule for the day.  What else is new, am I right?

Crossong the Rubicon

January 28, 2019 18:43

It’s not much of a secret that I love ancient history. My two favorite periods are from the 18th to the 25th dynasties of Egypt and, even more so, the period of world history from 334bce, when Alexander crossed the Hellespont, through the fall of Jerusalem in 70ce to the soon-to-be Roman Emperor Titus. This period of time, roughly four hundred years, reverberates today. This was a period of time well known to our forefathers. They were steeped in it, drenched in its philosophical ideas and l...

Stolen Valor

January 25, 2019 15:13

Whether you think that Nathan Phillips SAID he is a Vietnam Vet or just implied that he was 'in country," he certainly didn't do anything to discourage people from understanding that he is an actual Vietnam Veteran In fact, he has said that took personal advantage of that belief. Why? What is the need to inflate ones service record? He served honorably. How does causing people to think that he was something that he wasn't benefit his cause?

Enter Into Thy Closet

January 23, 2019 19:00

A former Bremerton High School Football Coach appealed his “termination” to the US Supreme Court after the 9th Circuit upheld it. At the heart of the case is the question of religious liberty and the free expression thereof. While there has been much argument and debate over whether or not the Coach should have been “fired” or not, the case made its way to the halls of the Supreme Court, where it landed on the Conference table last Friday (January 18, 2019). To the outrage of political cons...

A Long Lesson

January 22, 2019 19:00

On a day where there is much conversational buffalo to consume, the US Army released its 1300 page two volume report on the lessons it has learned in the Iraq War. Many of them are repeats of lessons long ago learned in other conflicts, but then forgotten because that's what we do. Then we fight another war and release another set of lessons learned that get put on the shelf and covered with dust. We never learn and we repeat them again. And again. And again.

Lessons Not Learned

January 21, 2019 18:42

Everything that is wrong with the NFL – and therefore the nation – was on display yesterday during the Conference Championships and the aftermath. We old-timers remember a day when what happened yesterday would not have happened. People talk about how “great” Quarterbacks are today. Pish. I guarantee you that there is no way in hell that Staubach, Namath, Starr, Hart, Tarkington, Tittle, Stabler, Griese or even Bradshaw would have allowed what happened yesterday to happen. The reason that it...

Wendall & The Kraken

January 18, 2019 19:00

In 1944, a submarine slid sideways into the Manitowoc River near where it empties into Lake Michigan. As she kissed the water, some 1500 miles to the west, a young man who wanted to be a farmer heard the clarion call of his country, left his home in Ogden, Utah and joined the US Navy. After a detour through Connecticut and New Guinea, he would arrive in Manitowoc and report aboard that new submarine. Commissioned in September, the USS Kraken (SS-370) would sail down the Mississippi River, th...

CT - Atlas Shrugs

January 17, 2019 18:45

In Washington, D.C., the shutdown has paralyzed parts of the government. Meanwhile, business and life goes on for commercial enterprises, including the making and selling of Beer. But (insert ominous music here) the government is closed and cannot be bothered to regulate the commercial free speech that it has decreed is required in order for the Beer Brewers to label and sell their product. So… if the government is required to approve speech, is it really free speech?

The Scarlett Island

January 16, 2019 19:00

Washington State has something that no other State has. Well… other States have them, but not like ours. We keep our civilly committed sex offenders locked away – even after they’ve served their sentences – on an island in the Puget Sound. The whole thing is arguably unconstitutional, but also touches that point of our society where the overall safety of citizens meets the rights of the accused (and in this case, convicted). There is a bigger issue here in that there is only so much room on...

Up To and Touching

January 15, 2019 19:00

In June of 2017, I was stunned by how many people who had never been to sea on a Warship and never stood a deck watch felt the need to inform me that there was no way that the USS Fitzgerald collision was not a terrorist attack. You see, with all that equipment there was no way in hell that they didn’t see the CRX Crystal coming, and if they didn’t it was because the Russians had hacked them. “It was an attack, Dave!” they screeched. There’s an old saying, Never attribute to malice that whic...

Gabbing About Politics & Religion

January 14, 2019 20:11

Maybe it’s just me, but this whole thing about religion really bugs me. My whole attitude towards other peoples imposition on my beliefs was born in my youth, when I still belonged to the Christian faith, and my denomination was decidedly in the minority both in physical presence and in general beliefs. In my younger and angrier days, I would have – and did – argued with anybody about the virtues of what I had been taught. There was little room for opposing beliefs, let alone similar beliefs....

The IRS Called...

January 11, 2019 19:42

I’m still not 100%. I’m barely 50%, but we’re gonna give it a go. You know how it’s fun to call those IRS scammers back and mess with them? Don’t do that. It’s exactly what they want. Besides which, all of the non-essential IRS employees, something around 80% of them, aren’t working right now anyway, so why would they be calling you? The reason they aren’t working is, of course, the partial shutdown. Now the thinking is that the President is going to declare a national emergency on the bord...

Robots Would Have Done It Better

January 09, 2019 20:00

I knew that I wasn’t feeling well last night. I should have stayed home and tried to fight off the effects of this crud, but that would have meant watching the teleprompter voices, so I headed out to a comedy show and had a great time. When I made it home, I took some knock-off Nyquil and headed to bed. And now? Now I am a hurting unit. So no, I did not watch the teleprompter readers live. I anticipated that I would get plenty of tweets, texts, and posts that would keep me up to date. But I ...

The 11th Hour of the 11th Day of the 11th Month

November 09, 2018 09:00 - 46 minutes - 42.1 MB

"Best of" from 2018 The SHOW NOTES


November 02, 2018 17:00 - 1 hour - 64.5 MB

It didn�t take long did it? Even the President got in on the talking  point. Expect to hear even more of it over the weekend. Homeless Vets  are often used as a reason to oppose illegal immigration. But should  they be? The solution to political violence is to make the other side  just shut up. Right? The Time change is upon us. Commence the typical  whining of people who never bother to think about stuff. Are the (Not)  Oakland Raiders really that bad?

Silence Will Not Protect You

November 01, 2018 17:00 - 53 minutes - 49 MB

I  feel like Halloween was dying, but now it�s not. The arguments over the  14th Amendment continue, but as usual, most people are ignoring the  real issue. And fear is silencing people. It must not. Because the  lesson is that silence will not save you.

Oct 31 Is My Favorite Day

October 31, 2018 17:00 - 56 minutes - 51.4 MB

October  31 is many things to people. Yes, it�s Halloween and my kids and grand kids are excited. Yes, it has religious significance. Yes, it means  the calendar is about to turn to bleak November. But it is my favorite  day of the year. Just breath in and you�ll understand why�

Jus Soli

October 30, 2018 17:00 - 53 minutes - 48.8 MB

There  was a time in this country with the legal concept of jus soli. Then the  Supreme Court decided that was not acceptable. Because it would mean  that people born here would become automatically become citizens.

Hate, History and Hope

October 29, 2018 17:00 - 52 minutes - 47.6 MB

There  is much on my mind today. More than words will adequately express. But, I will try. We will look at hatred. History. And we will continue to  hope.

A Trip Through 3 Billion Years of History

August 27, 2018 17:00 - 53 minutes - 49.4 MB

Vacation 2018 has ended. It was marvelous and it has led me to a personal decision about my own future. John McCain passes away, I say what I have always said about him: He was a politician. Anti-Vaxxers are the latest manifestation of the Great Patriotic Internet War�s fallout, and Duncan Hunter should resign from Congress. Even if he�s not guilty of a crime, he should still resign because he is guilty of one thing that every politician � even John McCain -  has long ago forgotten.

Spanking the Hippo

August 14, 2018 17:00 - 51 minutes - 47 MB

I�m not as ready for this as I sound. Experts around the country are  complaining that we aren�t listening to them when they tell us what is  going to happen. Can anybody come up with a reason why that might be so?  I love baseball, but the steroids argument is getting weird. It has  skewed what we think we saw. And the #warwithoutend or declaration that we were told is over, isn�t.

It's At The End of the Hall...

August 13, 2018 17:00 - 53 minutes - 48.7 MB

Sometimes I miss California. No, really, sometimes I do. And then�  California calls me and I remember why I not only don�t really miss it, I  yearn for the day when our divorce is 100% complete. Peter Strzok has  been fired by the FBI. Standby for Talking heads telling you why this is  both good and bad and bi-partisan and political. But there is really  bad news today. We�re about to lose a musical icon. So... a couple of housekeeping  things first. I will only be here for the show today ...

New (Old) Spock?

August 01, 2018 17:00 - 53 minutes - 48.7 MB

Once upon a time, the Supreme  Court was asked to stop something that had already happened from happening.  Yesterday, the Attorney Virtue Signaling General of Washington State  asked the Federal courts to stop something from happening that already  happened. It won't work. It cannot work. But it's something, so like a straw  ban, we're gonna do it, because it's "something..." Star Trek: Discovery is going to destroy Mr. Spock by making him "not entirely the Spock who has been formed  enoug...

Freedom and Liberty

December 08, 2015 05:00 - 7 minutes - 7.3 MB

Dave often says that liberty and freedom are NOT the same thing. Here�s why he says that...

The Infamous Eddie Call

July 28, 2009 00:00 - 4 minutes - 1.73 MB

The only caller ever banned on Afternoons Live...