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Eric Ryle of The is back to talk with Dave about their expert opinions of the latest news on the USS Connecticut. First off, the Navy had kind of admitted that the submarine hit the bottom, somewhere in the South China Sea. Then the Navy sort of released an official picture of the boat, although technically it’s a picture of the SecNav talking last week with the Captain of the Tender in Guam. The Connecticut just happens to be in the background. But it’s clear from the accidental photo that the boat didn’t surface under anything.

On Thursday the Navy announced that the Commanding Officer, Executive Officer and the Chief of the Boat had all been relieved for loss of confidence. And hinted that there was some bit of procedural non-compliance.

Since Dave and Eric are both Strategic Weapons Weenies and have extensive knowledge of SSN operations, they are clearly the guys to listen to for the latest updates on what happened. And some sea stories about mouth wash, Swimming Sasquatches and Unidentified Flying (and Submerged) objects, none of which have anything to do with USS Connecticut.

Set condition 1SQ for Strategic Launch and strap in for a typical submarine ride!