On Monday a caller to Bill Mick Live brought up the idea that the COVID fiasco is less about medical science and more about the money behind the big green curtain. even Rod is on a rant lately about the money behind the vaccination. Even as I type this, hie is texting me articles from Forbes about how the founders of Moderna are making the list of America’s richest people during the pandemic.

Listen, it’s absolutely true that money is power and power is politics. And I have not a doubt in my military mind that there is a HUGE money element to this whole… thing… Somebody is getting rich from the millions, if not the billions, of shots being forced into arms.

And it’s not me. Or you.

Money has always driven the end goal of the Nabobs, because money equals power.

In point of fact, the entire American Revolution War about about the money. Who had it, and what they were using it to do… Which wasn’t who you might think that it was…