Next Episode: WTF: Crab Rangoon's

There have been two ubiquitous phrases this week, both of which are just annoying the living hell out of me.

First up, the whole “Nobody is making money on natural immunity” meme. Yes, they are, but it’s NOT you.

Next up is the “The National Divorce is Coming” nonsense. Look, I get it. People who have no concept of history believe that “We’ve never been more divided.” The problem isn’t the divisions or even the disagreement, it’s the method by which we have been manipulated into believing that we are so divided that nothing short of a third civil war can force the other side to acquiesce to what we want.

Anybody who is actually thinking will quickly recognize not just the impracticality of the idea, but the shear impossibility of it as things stand today. What is more likely is something that my beloved wife said to me the other morning as we were discussing this very issue

It was literally the same thing that a large number of Citizens in the Republic had come to believe. And in the face of a dividing emergency, they chose to follow the idea to its logical conclusion.

They chose to have a dictator…