“Time flys by,” this a phrase we’ve become extremely accustomed to. So much so, that we’re numb to the fact that time is slipping away. But why is that? Do you remember the days of your younger self when time was not a factor? Those days seemed to last forever. They were literally timeless. Once […]

The post Preparing For Your Future with Financial Planning and Tamara Haskins P2P: 031 appeared first on Anavo Transformation LLC.

“Time flys by,” this a phrase we’ve become extremely accustomed to. So much so, that we’re numb to the fact that time is slipping away. But why is that? Do you remember the days of your younger self when time was not a factor? Those days seemed to last forever. They were literally timeless. Once time became a factor in our very busy lives, we stop caring for it as much as we should. We’ve jumped into the mindset that we just need to keep things moving and before we know it we look up and another year has passed by when we’ve unintentionally let our intentions to slip away. This discussion today is going to help you change your mind, change your actions, and stop allowing time to slip away.

My guest today is an expert at helping business owners and individuals capture and monetize the value of time today, so tomorrow is as successful as you dream, want and need it to be. Tamara is a certified public accountant and license, insurance, and investment agent who helps individuals and business owners achieve their goals. With over 25 years of experience in accounting and financial services, Tamara has been entrusted by many to build and preserve their wealth and financial well-being. She is currently a financial professional with New York Life Insurance Company where she specializes in retirement planning.

Questions I Asked Tamara:

What is the importance of asset protection?
What are people’s fears when looking toward retirement?
What types of strategies do you put in place in terms of protecting people’s assets?
How do you coach individuals to engage in possible strategies for their businesses?
How do you help new business prepare for retirement and possible exit strategies?

There are 2 things in life that are certain: death and taxes. - Tamara HaskinsTweet This
What You’re Going to Learn:

How Tamara helps people prepare for retirement.
The benefits of business owners planning for retirement.
Why Tamara believes all business owners need an exit strategy.
What the 4 D’s of business disruption are.
What a buy-sell agreement is and how Tamara uses it with her clients.

Connect with Tamara

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The post Preparing For Your Future with Financial Planning and Tamara Haskins P2P: 031 appeared first on Anavo Transformation LLC.

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