Sales. It’s a four letter word that so many business owners are afraid of. It’s often something most don’t want to talk about, but it’s an absolute must in any business. Today I’m talking to the guru of gurus as it relates to sales. Thomas Ellis is President and Chief Sales Coach with EWC Consultants. […]

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Sales. It’s a four letter word that so many business owners are afraid of. It’s often something most don’t want to talk about, but it’s an absolute must in any business. Today I’m talking to the guru of gurus as it relates to sales. Thomas Ellis is President and Chief Sales Coach with EWC Consultants. He is a sales management veteran with over 25 years of coaching, consulting, and developing sales personnel and managers. Thomas is here today to help us demystify and increase our sales.

Questions I Asked Thomas:

How can business owners prepare for a first interaction with a potential customer?
How does a business stand out?
How do you determine who the decision maker is in a large corporation when trying to get in contact with them?
What are common problems businesses have when it comes to making sales?
Should we be making in person sales?

Sales is nothing more than a bunch of great conversations with the same person over a period of time. - Thomas EllisTweet This
What You’re Going to Learn:

The value of always knowing your objective.
Thomas’ 3 step formula for making a sale.
How companies like Nordstrom and Zappos keep customers coming back.
Why every business should know their ideal customer.
How to get comfortable with acquiring new clients.


Connect with Thomas on LinkedIn


The post Nine Ways To Close More Sales with Thomas Ellis P2P: 032 appeared first on Anavo Transformation LLC.