The Plastic Surgeon Podcast welcomes Dr. Sajan’s patient, Jennifer Hutchinson. Jennifer underwent a breast augmentation with Dr. Sajan. She discusses her motivations for surgery and experience through the entire process, from consultation through postoperative care.

Jennifer’s case was unique because her breasts were asymmetrical due to pregnancy and breastfeeding. Her breasts were essentially two different sizes. This made it difficult for Jennifer to fit into tops and bikinis. As her children got older and she quit breastfeeding, she knew it was time to seek the breast augmentation she wanted since having her first child.

Jennifer spent a long time researching doctors and initially decided to go with a different doctor in California. After getting cold feet, she found Dr. Sajan’s website and social media. Seeing Dr. Sajan’s dedication to transparency in his live surgeries on Snapchat made Jennifer feel comfortable booking a VIP consultation with Dr. Sajan.

Getting the full VIP experience with a completely private consultation, Jennifer booked surgery with Dr. Sajan. Dr. Sajan placed two different size gummy bear breast implants to even out her asymmetry and achieve Jennifer’s goals.

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