Today's Plantbased, Not Perfect Podcast episode is dedicated to the health benefits of saunas and all the ways they can improve your health. I first heard about sauna benefits while listening to Joe Rogan's podcasts with Dr. Rhonda Patrick (there are a few) and was so amazed by the data that I couldn't wanted to share the information with everyone. In this episode, I summarize the research findings for you and discuss how to apply them in your life, answer all the top questions you'll want to know about saunas and provide tips and tricks to affordably reap the benefits of a sauna.     Health Benefits we go in depth on: Cardiovascular  Dementia & Alzheimer's Mental Health & Depression Detoxing, Inflammation, Skin Health   Sauna Questions: What temperature and duration is best for benefits? Traditional vs. Infrared? Tips & Tricks for Affordable Sauna Effects JNH Lifestyles 1 Person Joyous Sauna   Also answering more questions about olive leaf extract I received through instagram @hautehealthy