January is a time when we hear a lot about goals, and whether you are someone who is all in on changing everything in 2021, if you’ve decided you’re done with new year’s resolutions or if you feel like you’ve already fallen off the bandwagon for the year, I think you’ll find a lot of powerful insights from our guest today. 

Lori Jackson is the author of Practicing Progress, a brilliant book about finding the right balance of being okay with where you are and moving forward at the same time. In addition to being the mother of 4, and grandmother to 4, She runs a blog at ChoosingWisdom.org and has also published 2 journals designed to help you develop positive habits and take your gratitude practice to the next level.  

Lori is an expert on positive change and practicing progress and I am so excited to have her help us unpack our own thoughts about our goals and identify what we can do to make the process not more effective, but a lot more fun and enjoyable along the way.

Show notes: myplantstrongfamily.com/05

Connect with Lori:

Lori's Book and Journals available on Amazon



