Long before people knew how to pronounce the word vegan, Paul Shapiro was inspired to not consume animal or dairy. His decision was based on being compassionate to animals.

Although Paul didn’t have anywhere near the knowledge he has today, he knew the animals were not being treated well. This was when the seeds of activism were planted.

Paul’s activism began by writing letters to animal welfare organizations. This was back in the day that there was no email, Internet, or social media.

Yet, even though Paul was committed to learning more about being vegan, he didn’t realize he could be healthy by eliminating all meat. He felt it was like holding his breath. There is only so long you can hold your breath and he felt there was only so long he could go without meat.

Yet, nearly 30 years later, he has been 100% without meat and dairy and performs at an incredibly high physical and emotional level.

Life as a vegan is made easier by the fact that his wife, Toni Okamoto, a highly successful social media influencer, is also vegan. The author of three very successful vegan/plant-based cookbooks, Toni is most well known for her branding and highly successful book, Plant Based on a Budget.

Both Toni and Paul were vegan before meeting one another yet having this in common was a huge plus to their attraction to one another.

As the author of the highly successful book, Clean Meat; How Growing Meat Without Animals Will Revolutionize Dinner and the World and founder/CEO of the Better Meat Co., Paul is quick to say he lives in his wife’s shadow.

