Before adopting a plant-based nutrition and the newfound knowledge, Olivier Mankondo weighed 220 pounds. Not realizing a byproduct of eating plant-based was weight loss, he was pleasantly shocked when he released 11 pounds the first week. Now 143 pounds, Olivier loves sharing his story.


Being overweight was not what motivated him to go plant-based. It was after hearing an Indian Yogi, Sadhguru, who encourages people to eat consciously.  “Animal products are not designed for the human body,” was what impacted Olivier most with the teachings of Sadguru.

This made sense to Olivier. Within a day of hearing Sadguru, he gave up animal in his diet.

Not only did he lose 11 pounds in the first week, he quickly noticed he was feeling better than he had in quite a while. Having dealt with high blood pressure, daily headaches, chest pain, back pain, abscesses, joint pain, and cold sores for as long as he could remember, there was a marked difference with all of this after he changed his eating protocol.

Four months into eating plant based, he had a physical. His doctor was amazed at how great he was doing, encouraging him to keep at the plant-based eating.


Olivier’s wife saw the positive health changes occurring for him. Two weeks after he began, she decided to also give up meat and dairy. Tipping the scales at 240 pounds, she was ready to make a change and saw with her own eyes what was happening to her husband.

Within a month, they began feeding their children a more plant-based protocol. Since starting, his wife has released 99 pounds.

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