A 40 plus year ethical vegan, Dr. Tuttle, author of The World Peace Diet: Eating for Spiritual Health and Social Harmony, has likely been one of the most divisive and influential voices for the voiceless. He pulls no punches in his truth, whether it be through his books, articles, blog posts or on a podcast show.

A soft-spoken man, Dr. Tuttle shares insights about the connection between our never-ending appetite for animals and the violence, corruption, fear, anxiety and disease that has become an accepted way of living.

According to Dr. Tuttle, when we consume animals that have been confined, tortured, highly medicated, abused and ultimately murdered, that energy is projected in our own behaviors and lives.

Many people assume because they are not the one to end the animal’s life, but simply select a meat or dairy choice at the grocery store or restaurant, somehow, they are not a part of these horrendous acts. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Then there are those who say, “What difference can I make? I’m just one person. My choice in food doesn’t make that much difference.”

Actually, it does. Not only to the animals, but also to your spiritual well-being.

When you consider that an estimated 50 billion chickens are slaughtered for food every year, excluding male chicks and unproductive hens that are killed in egg production and nearly 1.5 billion pigs are killed to satisfy the growing appetite for pork, bacon, ham and sausages and half a billion sheep are taken to slaughter every year, it is no surprise that violence has risen beyond anything we could have ever imagined.

This interview is one of the most enlightening conversations I've had on my show.
