Understanding the difference between skinny vs. healthy mentality can help propel you towards your goals without trying. Letting go of control and enjoying your process/ journey of a new healthy you is the next step towards keeping the weight off and feeling your absolute best!

In today's episode, we'll be learning about:

·      How you can easily get stuck in a vicious loop of a dieting mindset

·      Are you feeding the disease or preventing the disease?

·      How to set yourself free from “dieting”

·      Gain awareness around behaviors that may be holding you back from living your best life.

·      Genetics load the gun, but lifestyle pulls the trigger when it comes to your health.

Melanie is uberly passionate about all things mindset, nutrition, and wellness. She's been deep diving into the wellness industry for over six years. She's learned to master her craft while working with others to get to the root cause of what's holding them back from their goals and bigger vision.

Melanie currently lives in Austin, Texas, with her husband, Oliver, and her son, Elliott. She enjoys being in nature, taking care of her house plants, reading, and snuggles with her boys.

Find Plant Ahead on Social Media:

Instagram: www.instagram.com/plantahead.co

Facebook: www.facebook.com/melanie.petrilli

Twitter: https://twitter.com/plant_ahead

Website: www.plantahead.co

Free Guide to Meal Prepping + Being More Mindful : www.plantahead.co/freebies

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