If you want to have an amazing year, then you have to have a big vision for what is going to drive your success. This episode explores the big questions that you should ask yourselves in order for you to be able to have that perfect vision for your new year.

An area that can help you put your vision together easily is reflection.  Reflection is the pathway to progress and understanding and reflecting on last year's success can help you to develop this year's vision.

This means you must look back in order for you to look ahead. Then you will be able to define your vision for the next year. The challenge is that if you continue to keep things status quo then you're not growing, you're not taking risk and you are staying stagnant. And the whole goal of creating a vision and having defined actions in place to meet your goals is for you to push yourself forward, always be learning, always be growing, always be expanding.

I hope that this podcast helps you to develop your vision quickly and start to think of the goals that are going to be creating that pathway for your success in the new year.

Links and Resources
Plan Your Year Workshop

Thank you so much for listening, until next time, stay on purpose!

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