If you're looking to get your certified meeting professional designation, then you'll need to know how to study for the CMP.

The Certified Meeting Designation is a prominent designation for event professionals. In order to obtain this designation, you have to be eligible and successfully submit your application, and then succesfully pass the CMP exam.

Passing the exam doesn't come lightly. There are several recommended texts and many tips to study well for the exam. This episode will unpack how you should study for the CMP Exam. Naomi uncovers the 3 recommended texts that you should have in your CMP toolkit, and also provides some study tips too.

Another aspect of studying for the CMP exam is to have a study partners. These partners can hold you accountable for the test. You can also have a study group or be apart of one. Planners on Purpose does host a study group that you can be apart of. Check out the link in the description to learn more.   

The CMP designation can provide you with networking, salary, visibility and status in the events industry. If you're event professional, and haven't received your CMP, you may want to consider it.       

Links and Resources
Is the Certified Meeting Professional Designation for You?
Events Industry Council

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