Has curiosity or necessity driven your event career success? That's the question that is being asked in this podcast episode and what we will dig into deeper.

When it comes to having curiosity, this soft skill can bring a lot of expansion in your life. It allows you to explore, figure things out, learn new things, and think outside of the box. When you don't have curiosity, you aren't as curious and when you aren't as curious, it leaves you stagnant, staying in the same situation, prevent you from learning and taking risks. The point is we should be more curious in our careers.

So curiosity is something that is a good trait for you to have, and it can really be useful when it comes to your event planning career. On the other hand, there is a little thing called necessity. We find that necessity can be a big driver within our careers too.  It's important to know, however, that necessity is a word that's rooted in need, and if you move jobs based off of needs without adding in curiosity, it can definitely put you in a bind.

This episode explores curiosity versus necessity, how they interrelate, and how you can feel better about working with these two outlooks, for you to have a successful event career.

Thank you so much for listening, until next time, stay on purpose!

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