For many baby boomers, a new outlet to exercise creativity, entrepreneurial urges, or developing an additional stream of income that requires less than $1,000.00 per year to start is  intriguing. Meet Joe Hogue of My Work From Home Money blog. In 1.5 years he has created over $35,000.00 a year income out of thin air, and it continues to grow.

Approximate Show Notes

Why he started (3:00) How he narrowed down a topic. (4:36) The 3 ways to make money on line. (4:50) Start with what you enjoy. How many hours per week? (8:00) So you start a blog. What are the components that bring the money?  (9:30) What blog site owners miss. Joe has 10 books published over the last 2.5 years. (11:30) The first step is learning the blogging business. (12:40) Generating $2,000. per month from one source. (14:20) Not dependent upon one source of income. Has 3 streams. (17:00) The businesses on his website have been vetted. None marginal. (18:30) His mantra: “I am the average person with above average success.” (20:24) The key skills to learn. (21:40) Deciding to do what most won’t. The biggest cost to blogging is….(26:30) What outside resources have been helpful for Joe. (27:29) 95% of bloggers quite in six weeks Music Death and dying. Looking back from 95.


My Work From Home Money  

My complete guide on self-publishing and how it's a natural fit for bloggers.

A start-to-finish guide for starting a blog and getting it ranked on Google

Love this infographic on how your investments should change according to your age, needs and risk tolerance



Frank Sinatra - Fly Me to The Moon 

James Brown - Living in America 

TimBuk 3 - The Futures so Bright 

Juanes - Angel  


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Planet BoomerVille is for Baby Boomers and is about being Stellar and Living Life Lively. That means Baby Boomer brain and physical health. Baby Boomer family relationships, love, sex, and romance. Making new friends. Appreciating old friends. Lot's of music, new and old. It is about new life beginning and adventures. Planet BoomerVille is about embracing the future and making your now as big as your past. Maybe bigger and even better. Why not? Why not you?