Howard Jacobson is the creator of the Plant Yourself podcast with over 210 episodes about living and eating healthy.

He easily busts nutritional and medical myths. In this episode, Howard explains why you find the same pharma and health answers on Google and the big medical sites like WebMD and Mayo Clinic. Howard has an excellent frame of reference for headaches and helmets that carries over to other health issues.

If you have wondered where do you find medical and health information that you can trust, Howard, and PlantYourself podcast, are great beginning points.

Howard has also co-authored ProteinAholic by Dr. Garth Davis and Whole, by T. Colin Campbell.

Being vulnerable to the the “guru of the week.” 3:30 Caught in the cult of marketing. Learned to do the research. (4:49) The credible medical web pages are filled with advertising for drug companies. (7:00) Research what the messages these websites are sending out to advertisers about you. (7:25) Limited view framework of human body has a machine prone to break. (9:30) The headache and hammer framework. (11:40) Howard does not make recommendations, he shows evidence and teaches people how to evaluate the evidence. (15:30) The beginners guide out of the mis-match. (20:12) Little steps into discomfort are really powerful. (24:15) When have awareness and capacity for choice, details become insignificant. Well accepted Nutritional Myths. (31:00) Well accepted Medical myths about heart, prostrate, and diabetes. (36:10) Who is talking about is our healthcare working? (37:00) The health solutions are not in new procedures but in removing the root causes. How you can learn to research better. (38:36) Understanding the NNT,  the number needed to treat. (42:30) What are natural alternatives to statin’s? Music - Dixie Land Jazz Death and Dying. Looking back from 95. Excellent insight into the little vs the big things. Final take away.


Plant Yourself Podcast

The Big Change Program.  


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Planet BoomerVille is for Baby Boomers and is about being Stellar and Living Life Lively. That means Baby Boomer brain and physical health. Baby Boomer family relationships, love, sex, and romance. Making new friends. Appreciating old friends. Lot's of music, new and old. It is about new life beginning and adventures. Planet BoomerVille is about embracing the future and making your now as big as your past. Maybe bigger and even better. Why not? Why not you?