In order for you to get good at anything, you’re going to have to fail and learn from your mistakes. Your family and friends may perceive you as successful, but do you truly feel happy and fulfilled with where you are in life?


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Hey everybody! It’s King here, just wanted to welcome all of you to the very first episode of Plan to Fail! In today’s episode I wanted to give you guys a sneak peak of what you can be expecting from this show. So make sure you stay tuned for this episode!

You guys are probably wondering who the heck is this guy, and what does “Plan to Fail” even mean. So before I even get into the meat of what I want to share, I would like to take the opportunity to introduce myself and talk about why I decided to start this podcast. To be quite honest with you, I thought I was going to be the last person to start a podcast. I never really saw myself as an influencer of any sort, but during this last year, I’ve seen more and more people coming out of school lost as ever. 4 years ago, I made the difficult decision to drop out of university. It was honestly one of the scariest but most life-changing decisions in my life. When I initially left school, I took up an opportunity in the financial industry to become a financial advisor and I ended up staying in finance for the next 4 years of my life. But during this last year, I realized that although I was making progress building my own team, I lost my drive and passion working in finance. So I ended up making another difficult decision to leave everything I’ve known for the last 4 years to try something new. So for the last 4 months of my life, I’ve been trying out digital marketing and e-commerce for the first time. And BOYYYYY has it been a rollercoaster of an experience. I can’t even remember how many times I’ve had to pick myself up after falling flat on my face. It was an extremely humbling experience coming from being an expert in finance to becoming a newb in this new arena. This experience is what inspired me to start this show, because one thing I realized, is that what school hasn’t prepared us for, is learning how to deal with failure. Instead, what school has taught us is that in order to succeed, you have to be perfect. But in reality, it’s quite the opposite. In order for you to get good at anything, you’re going to have to fail and learn from your mistakes. But because of the standard set in school, instead of learning from our mistakes, we feel ashamed when we don’t get perfect on an exam. We feel like we’re not going to get the job or the career we want because we didn't graduate with a high enough of a Grade Point Average (GPA). So as a result, after graduating from school, we try our best to avoid failure. We only do things we think we’re good at, and we run away from everything else without even trying... Even if it’s something you might be passionate about. So let’s say you DID graduate with a high GPA, and you were praised by all your professors, your family and friends, and you felt like you were on top of the world. But would I be wrong if I said that you might be the person who fears failure the most, simply because you’ve probably never really experienced failure? Your family and friends may perceive you as successful, but do you truly feel happy and fulfilled with where you are in life? If the answer is “YES!”, then congratulations. I honestly envy you, because I’M still trying to figure out what brings TRUE fulfillment in my life. But if the answer is, “NO”, then I encourage you to do a little bit of soul-searching and ask yourself what do you truly want to do with the one life you’ve been given. 

My ultimate goal for starting this podcast is to share both the ups and downs of my journey. I’m going to be completely transparent with you so that you can see that it’s OK to make mistakes, and so you can avoid making those same mistakes. I also want to provide you the resources that have helped me on my journey in hopes that it will help you as well. By sharing my experiences, I want to inspire you to see the limitless possibility of what life has to offer, and for you to take action to achieve the life you truly want. I know all this sounds super cliche, but before you make that judgement, ask yourself, “are you truly happy where you are?”, and be honest with yourself. 

If you’re still with me at this point of the podcast, I want to thank you for sticking with me this whole time. Over the next few episodes, I’ll be going more in depth of my background, how I got here, and the key takeaways that can help you on your journey. Thanks again for tuning in, and I’ll catch you on the next episode!